Saturday, December 31, 2011


All this week, it seems that the various news programs have interviewed soldiers back from Iraq with the question, "Was it worth it?" What do we expect them to say? Soldiers at war have to believe that what they are doing is the "right" thing. It is in the psyche of most soldiers. One story dealt with a small town where several soldiers from a National Guard Unit had died. Sad.

Was it worth it? We can't asked the soldiers NOW! They are too close to it. When I was in Vietnam, I supported the war. I had too. How else could I look at it. Seeing my buddies die, the ravages of war. How could I not say we were justified/doing good. Give me a break! Now, way down the road and many years before even, I can say assuredly, the sacrifices of Vietnam were for nothing. It was a sorry war, almost as ill conceived as Iraq. And, worst of all, the sorry MFers, the powers that be, didn't learn s..t from Vietnam. In a way, I will have to say this for LBJ, he kind of "got" how he had f..ked up in the end: no second term. Nixon is the real culprit. When he promised to get us out of Vietnam, we only had a few thousand lost to that sorry ass war. By the time he resigned, 58,000 plus had given their lives for s..t. Was Vietnam worth it. F..k NO. Was Iraq worth? F..k NO!


I am so tired of the Repubican bullshit stuff. It is the same old song, with the the pccasional exception of Perry. He at least can have some novel ideas. Ron Paul, he ought to be hauling his Grandkids around. Newt has bit the dust based on his ethical lapses where money rules. The only colorful one was Herm Cain who had gotten it on with most women in America. Rick Perry's idea of a part time congress. Reduce their salary. Now, that resonates. Why it doesn't appeal to voters is beyond me Mitt Romney is a bigtime 1%er and is constantly checking the direction of the wond and would tell anybody what they wanted to hear. Once he's got the vote, he wouldn't give you the time of day. How does the Iowa voter not get it.
Most of the hardcore Iowa Republicans appear to be idealogue zeolots and are f..king non thinkers (softening this) in my opinion anyway. And, what I also think is that those who follow someone like Ron Paul somehow don't grasp that he is so far out of the mainstream that he's dangerous. Plus, they are surrounded by people who think like themselves. What the f..k is this anyway.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


PFC Manning is a soldier, bigtime stupid but not dumb. He doesn't need to be treated like some treasonest paragon. If I have been disappointed with the President in anything, it is in areas like this. I can't believe that in his heart he wants to take this heavy handed approach to this stupid young soldier. Manning is a PFC. Do you know what a PFC is? He is a f..king private: at the lowest rank of our military system. (E1-a recruit, E2-finished basic training-E3, breathing, sometimes given E3 based on civilian education and has to do with pay). I say again, as a soldier, he gets the PFC rank for breathing. Manning as a PFC (private first class) would be invisible. Comparatively speaking, in the civilian world, a mail room clerk in a giant corporation would be way above a PFC. Are you getting the picture here?   It is just the military system.  
The very idea that we would allow Manning or any "Private" access to important material is unfathomable. It is like a parent giving the car keys to a 12 year old. There is no way that he should have been able to see classified documents. Where the f..k is the "calling into account" those who put this temptation in his path.

Manning is a smart, twenty something, disgruntled, shown no respect, so? The military has spent lots of taxpayer money on his education. The issue in a real sense isn't Manning, it is a piss poor system that puts us in this position.

I haven't seen where the leaks have hurt. Cost lives? If that is the case, from the media, I haven't seen it. For instance, Afghanistan is so f..ked up, I don't see where anything we do or don't do makes a difference, surely not leaked documents. We don't even know who the f..k is on whose side.

Manning is a young, troubled soul obviously. A Private First Class in a military that hardly allows his existence, other than scut work. His work is probably listening for radio traffic, maybe seeing some block of info but most of the time he is cooling his heels. He is obviously unsupervised, much like the Americans who so screwed up at Abu Garib. The American military has a strict chain of command and with Manning, somebody was asleep at the wheel.

My suspicion is that by taking a heavy handed approach means that the President is listening to the military or other bureaucrats. Plain and simple, Manning should not have had assess to important documents. He is a Private.

Those at the top of the military are "rule followers" by in large who wouldn't know a creative approach to PFC Manning if it ran over them. An article 32 investigation is a joke. Sure he did it. The investigation will produce a court martial. Any military type who has been around will tell you about court martials: there is a common refrain: Bring the guilty bastard in. Give me a break!

The whole classified bullshit is also a joke. The military, when they don't want to do something says, "classified." This is time for the President to weigh in. Manning is a misguided, young twenty something who easily should be on Castro Street in San Francisco and not in the military--probably joined as it was about his only option. Based on his initial public appearance, it is going to be a circus: civil rights, 1st Amendment BS, all will make us look bad. Work out a deal: prison time which should be time served, give him a General discharge, which probably means nothing to Manning but the traditionalists would like it; fine him, announce you are assigning responsibility to those who should have been supervising him. The big thing is end it. Move on. Don't have a circus. Don't listen to those who want a heavy hand. Any parent with kids understand this. Let's treat him like we would any Private: kick his ass and move on!  Next Case.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Talk about a spirited contest, the Army/ Navy football game. Both sides' stadiums full. Even the Prez showed up. For American style football, this isn't much. No powerhouses with the Academies. The military academies and most everybody who cogitates their navels about sports gets why. Really big football prospects aren't going to the academies, mainly because they have a military commitment of mostly five years waiting for them. Thus ending any desires for a professional sports career.

There was a time that the Academies were competitive. When? We had the draft. Young men figured they were going to serve anyway, why not get a good education? For free no less. Do we think that Milt Friedman and the then SecDef, Melvin Laird, who sold us a bill of goods, thought of those unintended consequences?

I always look at the academies a little differently than most. First of all, this worshipful attitude toward them needs to be put in perspective. These kids' education is no small thing--a million bucks a pop. And, there's other stuff, they do get a stipend, maybe a few other bennies. The flip side of the coin is that going to one of the Academies is no cake walk. It is hard: field problems, restrictions, other things that some non academy types like myself don't even know. I can tell you this though. We don't need all these separate academies. One is sufficient and  certain curriculum  could be tailored to individual services. Consolidating the Academies, like so many things in government, could save billions of dollars. Think any congressman would have the "balls" to even suggest such a thing. We are talking WW3. The military lobby would be in "hell raising" political posture before you could say, "at ease."


On Wednesday's NewsHour, Betty Ann Bowser profiled a new Army program called, "The Comprehensive Soldier Fitness" program. Get this, the Army gave this guy from the University Of PA a "no bid" contract of 32 mil to develop this program. When I saw it, I thought, you have got to be s..ting me. 

Think about this. The powers that be have "played" the soldier card. Who does not want to help soldiers but some hardened combat vet is not about to sit in some class and be told, "be positive, you will be OK." Bullshit. 

Its goal is to  boost the mental toughness of soldiers. Teaching them how to better communicate with loved ones, become more aware of their emotions and change the way they cope with emotional stress. Good goals and the Army BS hopes to reverse the number of troops suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and suicide. Bullshit, a "feel good" class ain't going to do it. 

This all sounds worthy until you grasp that we have/had programs like this out the "gazoo:" doctors, psychologists, chaplains, shrinks, social workers, etc who are already doing and running programs like this. And, it appears that the guy who sold this program to the Army has made liberal use of psychotherapist, Albert Ellis. Ellis theory of Rational Emotive Therapy was basically founded around the idea, "it's not what happens to you thats the problem but how you look at it." The more I think about this, the more it appears collusion stupidity might be involved. A "no bid" contract, no coordination with other Army programs and skeptics from other disciplines outside the military that are working on the same thing. With us focusing on the deficit where in California, for instance, we are doing away with school busses and the Army is pending 32 mil for our soldiers to feel good. F..kkkkkk

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Talk about a spirited contest, the Army/ Navy football game. Both sides' stadiums full. Even the Prez showed up. For American style football, this isn't much. No powerhouses with the Academies. The military academies and most everybody who cogitates their navels about sports gets why. Really big football prospects aren't going to the academies, mainly because they have a military commitment of mostly five years waiting for them. Thus ending any desires for a professional sports career. 

There was a time that the Academies were competitive. When? We had the draft. Young men figured they were going to serve anyway, why not get a good education? For free no less. Do we think that Milt Friedman and the then SecDef, Melvin Laird, who sold us a bill of goods, thought of those unintended consequences?

I always look at the academies a little differently than most. First of all, this worshipful attitude toward them needs to be put in perspective. These kids' education is no small thing--a million bucks a pop. And, there's other stuff, they do get a stipend, maybe a few other bennies. The flip side of the coin is that going to one of the Academies is no cake walk. It is hard: field problems, restrictions, other things that some non academy types like myself don't even know. I can tell you this though. We don't need all these separate academies. One is sufficient and  certain curriculum  could be tailored to individual services. Consolidating the Academies, like so many things in government, could save billions of dollars. Think any congressman would have the "balls" to even suggest such a thing. We are talking WW3. The military lobby would be in "hell raising" political posture before you could say, "at ease."

The Prez On Sixty Minutes

Sixty Minutes is one of my favorite TV programs. I find the stories penetrating and mostly relevant. I don't care much for the celebrity interviews but nothing is perfect. Sunday night, Steve Kraft interviewed the President. I don't get it for one thing: why the president would subject himself to the media that mostly are interested in a story and not the truth. I guess the Sixty Minutes format is the best. Steve did a pretty good job, he's no Mike Wallace which in my opinion is mostly good, no softballs and a little more gentle that I like --the President was candid, answered the questions directly. But, I still don't get it. You can't convince people who have their minds made up. And, let's face it, most Americans were watching a ballgame or some reality show. Give me a break. In fact we went to a dinner party of about a dozen recently. I did my own little survey: "any of you watch Sixty Minutes Sunday night? Zero, zilch, none.

And, what the f..k is it with these polls? Nobody ever polls me. How a question is asked probably determines how it's answered. F..kkkk; still 73% disapprove of the way he's handling the economy says the survey. If it were me, I would give them the finger. What the hell do they think the president is: a magician. The guy inherited a f..king mess anyway you look at it.

I think he has been a good president. I don't notice Americans out here sacrificing by in large; every seat in athletic stadiums are filled, every plane full, the roads are filled with cars. Yeah, I know there are people out of work and his illustration of the pilot of the ship in stormy weather strikes true. Fuck yes? Some people are unhappy but I don't see where the president can get the blame.

The Republicans are this bunch of recalcitrant buffoons, sure; but the ones that tick me off as well are the non thinking Democrats or Independents. Where the hell do you think you are going to go: to the Republicans who haven't had an original idea in the last ten years.

I thought the real telling comment of the President on Sixty Minutes was his reality check:he said something like.  "the Republicans have supported most of the legislation I've proposed in the past. However in the present climate in Washington, attach my name to it and the Republicans only know NO!!!!"

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Homeless Kids

This will make you happy. Scott Pelly just announced that those two kids from his show on homeless kids who live in a truck with their dad have both been given a full scholarship to Stetson University. She is the girl who was so well spoken. Remember?  Great news!

The above is the text my wife sent me when I had lamented about these homeless kids. In essense, my thinking is that there will be much more for these kids and others like them. Americans are generous by nature has always been my contention. I, like much of America, was taken by the two kids living in a truck with their father. Good for Stetson for being on the ball like this. Plus in our news media world what great publicity for them. I notice that Scott Pelly is leaning up next to their truck with the GMC emblem. Apparently GMC, at least as far as we know, is asleep at the wheel as they are not giving this family a new truck. O,r better still, give the dad a job.


The "power of grief" is probably our most potent emotion. I was reminded of that, which I already knew, recently through an article in Vanity Fair about a young Lt killed in an isolated outpost in Afghanistan and a father's grief which almost succeeded in tarnishing everybody that a sorry war touched. The story is too involved to recount and establishing blame is such a subjective thing. The only other grief so palpable that I've seen of late, related to the same sorry war is Pat Tillman. In both cases, the grief drives everything. The sad thing and bottom line to use that overworked term, is that grief is simply

I recently read a long article from Vanity Fair. Took me three days to read it as it was so dense with facts and description. Great writing. It demostrated again the "power of grief" which is probably our most potent emotion.The article was about a young Lieutenant killed in an isolated outpost in Afghanistan and a father's grief which almost succeeded in tarnishing everybody that a sorry war touched. The story is too involved to recount and establishing blame is such a subjective thing. The only other grief so palpable that I've read about of late, related to the same sorry war, is Pat Tillman's family. This putcome is much better than the Tillman one. (To me, the Tillman family never really got their due as it somewhat ended in a congressional embarrassment with them bowing and scraping to the generals and a few others, even Rumsfeld if I remember correctly). The "power of grief" is probably our most potent emotion. I was reminded of that, which I already knew, recently through an article in Vanity Fair about a young Lt killed in an isolated outpost in Afghanistan and a father's grief which almost succeeded in tarnishing everybody that a sorry war touched. The story is too involved to recount and establishing blame is such a subjective thing. The only other grief so palpable that I've seen of late, related to the same sorry war is Pat Tillman. In both cases, the grief drives everything. The sad thing and bottom line to use that overworked term, is that grief is simply

I recently read a long article from Vanity Fair. Took me three days to read it as it was so dense with facts and description. Great writing. It demostrated again the "power of grief" which is probably our most potent emotion.The article was about a young Lieutenant killed in an isolated outpost in Afghanistan and a father's grief which almost succeeded in tarnishing everybody that a sorry war touched. The story is too involved to recount and establishing blame is such a subjective thing. The only other grief so palpable that I've read about of late, related to the same sorry war, is Pat Tillman's family. This putcome is much better than the Tillman one. (To me, the Tillman family never really got their due as it somewhat ended in a congressional embarrassment with them bowing and scraping to the generals and a few others, even Rumsfeld if I remember correctly).
In both cases, the grief drives everything. The sad thing and bottom line, to use that overworked term, is that sometimes grief is simply a debilitating emotion that turns into anger. Very sad unless it helps the grieving along their path of recovery or something related. Doubt there is ever complete healing. And, the article is another example of what a fast train to nowhere is Afghanistan. (just today, over 50 killed by suicide bombers) A mess.

The battle of Wanat (subject of article) was a disaster and the blame has to go to the generals who sit back and make these inane strategy decisions like young LTs who hardly know what end is up sitting down with what we would call "village chiefs" and who are probably involved with the enemy anyway. It is idiocy at the highest levels. Hurts my heart. The command structure above expected way too much, gave them inadequate support, and simply ignored some of the basic survival rules of war.

In the final analysis, after the battalion commander, company commander were reprimanded, signed off on by guys like Praetreus, the special investigator, in the face of enormous opposition, reversed the findings with a partial analysis which I totally agree with: in combat anything can happen and Monday morning quarterbacking can never measure up to what a firefight truly means. I had read about it before but not with this depth.

In both cases, the grief drives everything. The sad thing and bottom line, to use that overworked term, is that sometimes grief is simply a debilitating emotion that turns intoY anger. Very sad unless it helps the grieving along their path of recovery or something related. Doubt there is ever complete healing. And, the article is another example of what a fast train to nowhere is Afghanistan. (just today, over 50 killed by suicide bombers) A mess.

The battle of Wanat (subject of article) was a disaster and the blame has to go to the generals who sit back and make these inane strategy decisions like young LTs who hardly know what end is up sitting down with what we would call "village chiefs" and who are probably involved with the enemy anyway. It is idiocy at the highest levels. Hurts my heart. The command structure above expected way too much, gave them inadequate support, and simply ignored some of the basic survival rules of war.

In the final analysis, after the battalion commander, company commander were reprimanded, signed off on by guys like Praetreus, the special investigator, in the face of enormous opposition, reversed the findings with a partial analysis which I totally agree with: in combat anything can happen and Monday morning quarterbacking can never measure up to what a firefight truly means. I had read about it before but not with this depth.

Sunday, December 04, 2011


This will make you happy. Scott Pelly just announced that those two kids from his show on homeless kids who live in a truck with their dad have both been given a full scholarship to Stetson University. She is the girl who was so well spoken. Remember?  Great news!

The above is the text my wife sent me when I had lamented about these homeless kids. In essense, my thinking is that there will be much more for these kids and others like them. Americans are generous by nature has always been my contention. I, like much of America, was taken by the two kids living in a truck with their father. Good for Stetson for being on the ball like this. Plus in our news media world what great publicity for them. I notice that Scott Pelly is leaning up next to their truck with the GMC emblem. Apparently GMC, at least as far as we know, is asleep at the wheel as they are not giving this family a new truck. O,r better still, give the dad a job.

Saturday, December 03, 2011


What never ceases to amaze me is the often unexpected analysis of life. An example: When Vietnam vets returned from Vietnam, a sorry war, but one in which young Americans, many draftees even, were sent by their country. They went, did their duty and returned home. Not as returning heroes but victims blamed for a war where they merely did what the country asked them to do. Relatively speaking, vets were silent for about ten years.

Now, I see some real affinity with the "Occupy Wall Street" movement and returning Vietnam vets. The OWS movement is out there legitimately assembling, attempting to bring attention to the inequities in our culture and thievery of Wall Street. The OWS participants are alienated from much of society, even as Vietnam vets were. Now, often, they have become objects of derision just like Vietnam vets. Cities are treated them as the enemy. They are not being supported visibly by Americans who themselves are in the 99%. What the f..k! The Cities are using those old excuses of safety and security to break up their camps. We've all seen the pepper spray, etc, those authorities and others who tepidly support them mainly now want them gone. Occupy Wall Street has become a movement. They are not going away like Vietnam vets did. And, to those who don't support them, I say, f..k you very much! More power to OWS!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


My heart is hurting. After watching the 60 Minutes program on homeless kids in Florida, I was so so sad. To think that we have these kids who have no place to lay their heads, other than a truck, a car, and if they are lucky, a dingy motel.  Heart Breaking. Philosophically, we know that people (adults) often make decisions which may bring them to where they are. Or, they find themselves where they are through no fault of their own. But, the bottom line is kids ought be playing ball, shooting marbles, playing with friends, drawing pictures, Barbees; whatever kids do now days, not worrying about their safety, living in cars, motels. What in the hell is this? "Sixty Minutes" profiled several but two stuck out. The Metzgers: dad, an out of work carpenter, Mom dead. Their uncertainty in living the life they had too was simply overwhelming. The attitude of these kids--the cute little daughter wants to be a lawyer, serious, had ambitions and an incredibly positive attitude. What the hay, I wanted to run out and adopt them.  If some wealthy American who has big bucks and doesn't get on this, I am going to not only be disappointed but reinforced in the idea that we have become greedy sorry MFers. Most of our kids and Grandkids should be so aware as this youngster, saying something like, "it isn't so bad, education is everything to us." She was born "forty years old." Her younger brother is not far behind in attitude. Don't disappoint me America. We made black Friday the biggest shopping spree in history, the least we can do is get a home for the Metzgers and get him a job. And then there was this African American family. Super attitude too. I wish so many of these f..king racists, mostly Republicans, could see this family: guy finally gets a job hustling around trash cans. His comment:  "so happy just to have a job." 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


I've never heard of Katrina Vanden Heuvel but she is speaking my language. Her book, "The Change I Believe In," is one I'm going to believe in. She has the best critique of the President I've read. Some disappointment but a realization that he is at heart, a "reform president domestically, committed to improving people's lives and to the renewal and reconstruction of America." I believe that and have viewed the president as discovering the running of a country is a hell of a lot different than campaigning. He has tried to reach out to Republicans and they have chew his hand off. Here's where he could have taken a note from Hillary. She never doubted the Republicans hated her and that good will was as illusive as a "straight" man in San Fran's Castro. The president would have served himself and us better if from the beginning he had said, "f..k you very much."

Vanden Heuvel's outlook is a little different from mine. But not much. Where she is somewhat tempered in her view, I am less so. For me, the Republicans have been a recalcitrant bunch of sorry MFers who, with their racist views, announced from day one that they had only one goal: bring down the President. The choir was led by Mitch McConnell, a KY racist who is minority leader of the Senate. In fact, the f..ker announced it publically--One goal, defeat the president. She mentions but a little too academic and not forceful enough for my taste that Democrats, which she spells with a "little d" need more patience. My idea: listen you sorry ass Dems of any label, left wing, right wing, moderate, progressive, where the f..k are you going to go, you sure as hell better wake up and smell the roses or you are going to wake up one morning and the roses will be replaced by some big ass self interest that the Repubs have dreamed up.

The description of Vanden Heuvel's book sounds more than promising. I'm not quite as optimistic. But, then again, I don't know s..t! Greed is going to have to be overcome and that is a hell of a proposition.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


My good friend and his wife met me at this little cafe in North Beach in
San Fran. His wife and I talked a little politics until she said, "I  don't want to talk about it anymore." She is a right wing Republican. I am always simply amazed at how this happens: a smart intelligent person in today's environment who has bought into the bullshit of mostly the Republicans that all our social programs have to be dismantled  to solve our problems. Beats the hell out of me how people get this way. Forget the BS of Repubs and Demos, just think of the 25 million kids who are homeless. This is scandalous considering the wealth of this country. These f..king idealogical positions will not fill a stomach. Politics is not for s..t but it is what we have and we can do better. Unfortunately, I have little faith that we will. As a country we are just too damn greedy. 


Listening to Michelle Bachman interviewed by Robert Segal on NPR, my first reaction is, "you've got to be s..ting me. She has written a book. Probably the "Tea Partiers" will run out and scarf it up. F..king non thinkers. I have lots of thoughts but here is the basic one by way of illustration. Stay with me now: These old guys I hang out with use to go to this little restaurant where we got to know our little waitress. We bonded. She was cute as a bug, spoke English really well. We generously tipped. Bought her flowers on her birthday. She was probably illegal. We really had a philosophy about immigration but it went to hell and in our often rattled minds did not apply to our little waitress. She works about three jobs, goes to school. We are proud of her. We affirm her constantly. She has a boyfriend who surely doesn't seem worthy of her. By her own admission, he has cheated on her, lied, etc. Sorry f..ker should have his arsh kicked until his nose bleeds. Here's the grand finale. One morning she announces she is 3 months pregnant. Our mouths drop open. She is happy about it. Her mother is coming from Equador to help. We are aghast. What about her college plans, her future? We are tortured. It is like our grand daughter announcing this catastrophy. What about a termination, other options. She wants none. Too Catholic. What the f..k!!!!  In our view, her future goes to hell in a hand basket.  What was she thinking. Fast forward back to Michell Bachman. She brags about her own five kids and the 23 foster kids she's raised--something, while laudable, makes me want to say to our little waitress and to Bachman, Why? And F..kkkk

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. So much for which to be grateful. I am always reminded of those less fortunate Americans who, for whatever reason, find themselves suffering. But, on this Thanksgiving, Americans everywhere are helping ease the burden. My daughter is out delivering meals; there are food banks, turkeys--scores of Americans everywhere are out there on the firing line. And let's celebrate that. I am about f..king tired of the news media talking doom and gloom. Hell yeah, the world, the country have dug themselves holes but for America in particular, we might need to do a little retrenchment. Who knows! And, I for one, think it is about time, we cut out the media's negative approach to most everything. As my buddy Tino says, f..kkkk!!!!


Newt is the latest front runner for Republicans. Personally, I don't give a flying f..k who the flavor of the moment is for those mostly "half truthers." Fact checkers should have a field day with their facts just from their debates. They wouldn't know the "complete" truth if it ran over them. Unfortunately, in my thinking what makes them relevant is my lack of belief in voters. When you have only 50% of Americans who vote and you have a f..king bunch of zealots on one side whose mantra is, "don't confuse me with facts, I have my mind made up" and on the other, you have apathy (Democrats). Do the math. I could give a s..t less but why a president is important is the f..ker can send you to war. We are fighting one and trying to extract ourselves from the other because a President's ego became more important than American lives.

Saturday, November 19, 2011


David Brooks on the "News Hour" the other night said that in 10 years we would be like Greece. I would like to think not but based on current things, maybe and before. We are in a f..king mess anyway you look at it. 400 super rich Americans have more that 150 million low to middle class Americans. A protest movement who, if they don't know all the answers, know they are the 99%. Congress is a f..king bunch of "do nothings" who don't give a s..t nor have to answer to anybody. And, whose fault is that. OURS. Mine and yours asshole/MFers. It is our fault. We keep voting the same people into office. They go to Washinhton and enrich themselves and then come home and act like they give a s..t. Wake up and smell the roses. What we need is a "do over." get rid of them all. Start over. It is our only chance. Will we do it? Of course not, we are stupid and we are f..ked

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Jackie and I saw this movie last night that I thought was the best at showing the angst of teenagers that I've seen. What was absolutely amazing to me is that it was so well done, given the fact that there were no real stars in the movie. Well, Mare Willingham (I think is her name) was the only one. Kids dealing with parents who are unbeliably dysfunctional, peer pressure, drugs, suicide, etc. Check it out. Very thoughtful movie. Jackie don't like it at all. 

Hope all is well. 



I have often wondered how a person could be elected to Congress as simply an average "Joe or Jane" of average means and a few years later leave as a multimillionaire. Well, after Watching "Sixty Minutes" last night we know: INSIDER TRADING. 

While stock brokers and other corporate types, many who maybe should be in jail but aren't, can and do, on occasion get caught and go to prison. But, get this: "not Congress," they aren't subject to the same laws as the rest of us on "insider trading." Consequenly, they can use insider information and trade on it and get rich and they do. Some guy and several students, I think at the Hoover Institute, did a study on Congress and who did, in fact, "line their pockets."  It is appalling. Steve Kroft of "Sixty Minites" confronted several, some guy from Alabama who make beaucoup bucks on "Insider" trading. Bachus was his name. This asshole bought some sort of derivities or something which made him big bucks because the country was basically headed into a recession. I don't understand it all but he basically  profited off the misfortune of the country. Sorry MFer. Most of the confronted Congressmen/women were smart and wouldn't talk to him. He nailed Nancy Pelosi in a news conference with something like, "it doesn't bother you that you have information that the general public doesn't have and can make stock purchases which enrich you." She stumbles, "I haven't done anything wrong." Oh yeah, one answer from a public source says she apparently bought $1 million to $5 million of Visa stock and then thwarte serious credit card reform for two years, and then watched her investment skyrocket 203%.

Pelosi is not the only one for sure. The crooks in Congress are more the rule than the exception. They always have an answer. But, here is the discouraging thing. It won't make a f..king bit of difference. It really is the voter's fault. We keep voting them in year after year. They will never produce reform because it means reforming themselves. Let's face it, our system is broken. Revelations like these keep coming but it doesn't make for s..t. Even master lobbyist and crook Jack Abramhof, just out of prison, which most Americans won't even know, when asked something like, "is Congress less corrupt now than before you went to prison for helping them be corrupt." His simple answer, "No, Congress is more corrupt." Congress can have an approval rating of zilch, total disdain by the people surveyed--doesn't make for s..t of difference. Do we think in the long run, the revelation that Nancy Pelisi that I voted for twice will make any real difference and she'll get pitched our. F ..k no. 

Tuesday, November 08, 2011


I'm still blown away by these three old codgers in Georgia, charged with terrorism. These old f..kers should have been hanging out with their Grandkids. I usually try to avoid GA, SC, AL as they have more nuts than the average bear but this about takes the cake: ignorance, stupid, uneducated. 

GREECE. I am about over this. The Greeks, unti they change their culture, forget it: good old fashion graft is the name if the game. A Greek buddy of mine calls it the "small envelope and the big envelope". You want a doctor's appointment. If you can wait a couple of days, it is the small envelope. If you are really sick and need to see the doc, the big envelope, stuffed with, "guess what." Everybody knows this but nobody talks about it. Give me a f..king break! 

Afghanistan. The only people who seem to not "get it" are the generals and the Ambassador. There is no chance in Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a failed state. We are stupid. There's no other way to explain it. What we are counting on at this late date isn't working. Corrupt police, tribalism, fifteen young soldiers died in one incident recently and nobody seems to give a s..t!!! 

Mississippi wants to vote on when life begins. Oh yeah, that is a worthy topic. The debate has been going on forever but some idiot politicians in MS think they know. Conception. No, A fetus may begin in the back seat of a 49 Ford Coup but it is a long stretch until birth. Here's what I think. Conception begins when the fetus can live outside the womb.  

CONDALEEZA RICE. I saw the interview on PBS. I like her and will probably leaf through her book. She, like those before, justify their decisions. Nobody ever says, I/we f..ked up. Why is this? Human nature I guess. But, Condi, you guys f..ked it up. We are leaving Iraq and what did we get out of it? Not even a "break on the oil." What in the hell ever happened to that idea that Iraqi oil was going yo pick up the tab for the war. Asked some Mom who lost her son in that sorry ass war and see what she says about all you Bushites justifying what you did. To me, it is a f..king national disgrace. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011


LEAVING IRAQ. Does this sound like the Second Act of a bad play? If the metaphor isn't a good one,  think up one on your own. Try this: leaving Vietnam after 55,000 dead with our tails between our legs. Leaving Iraq with 6000 or so dead, no telling how many civilians dead. Nothing to show for it. Vietnam based on stupidity, Gulf of Tonkin BS. Iraq, the elusive weapons of mass destruction. What on the f..k is wrong with us???


The very idea that I would read something by the inner circle of George W is far out. But, a memoir by Condi Rice (that I liked) maybe? I have always been stupefied why chose to  hang out with lowlifes,  i. e., Rumsfelt and Chaney.  She has written a book, hasn't everbody associated with Bush, "No Higher Honor." Sounds different. She talks about confrontations with Chaney and Rumsfeld. Chaney, in particular, comes across simply as a mean spirited asshole which I've said often. My bitch is that he has never been in the military but had no trouble sending other people's kids to die. He could have gone to Vietnam but in his words, "had other priorities." Sorry MFer. You would think that somebody whose heart was giving out would have some heart but not so. In his book and in my opinion, he logged in most of the pages justifying his erroneous beliefs. In terms of self disclosure, I didn't read either book but read lots of reviews and excerpts from each. Condi's appears to be more honest. I'm thinking that her survival skills among f..king neanderthals must be fabulous. What she has tried to do according to the prepublicity is explain the chaotic atmosphere surrounding 9-11. I have always said about George W.--no president has had to operate in a charged environment like 9-11. It was all "seat of the pants." George W mostly f..ked it up but still, it was something no president had been through before. I'll be back with a review or comments on "No Greater Calling."

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Yeah, I think racial. I don't think the ten chaps are so much racial as in denial. Because I talk to my brothers regularly, who are educated, successful. Three of them have this unbelievable hatred of the president. There is simply no explanation other than racism. Most southerners are chafing under the idea that they have a black man in the White House. When LBJ and group passed the cilvil rights bill and voting rights bill, he said the Democrats had lost the South for ten years. He was wrong, lost maybe forever. Well, when kids get to be adults, maybe as they've had integration, etc. 

If I were a Republican, I would be ashamed that the party put self interest ahead of country. One goal, defeat Obama. If you do that, what have you gained? No jobs bill, etc. With 9 million out of work, let republicans offer something themselves. Democrats unlike the obstructionists, they would pass something. I am a Democrat but rather more of an Independent. I put the good of the country as paramount. I think because of the Republicans in Congress, our system is broken and this should concern us all. 


Yeah, I think racial. I don't think the ten chaps are so much racial as in denial. Because I talk to my brothers regularly, who are educated, successful. Three of them have this unbelievable hatred of the president. There is simply no explanation other than racism. Most southerners are chafing under the idea that they have a black man in the White House. When LBJ and group passed the cilvil rights bill and voting rights bill, he said the Democrats had lost the South for ten years. He was wrong, lost maybe forever. Well, when kids get to be adults, maybe as they've had integration, etc. 

If I were a Republican, I would be ashamed that the party put self interest ahead of country. One goal, defeat Obama. If you do that, what have you gained? No jobs bill, etc. With 9 million out of work, let republicans offer something themselves. Democrats unlike the obstructionists, they would pass something. I am a Democrat but rather more of an Independent. I put the good of the country as paramount. I think because of the Republicans in Congress, our system is broken and this should concern us all. 


On Oct 12, 2011, at 12:52 PM, "Marvin Vickers" wrote:

A great debater?  Lamar you are too kind.  He cannot stay on point long enough to argue a point with him.  He is too busy blaming everyone but himself. Racial!  Wow this is the catch all for the catch all.  If you don’t agree with him or you argue a point with him then you  are Racial.   That basket if too full.  Or as one of my favorites says,  “The dog want hunt anymore.”  Oh, the “favorite is black, maybe I should quote someone else so it want sound racial. Marv


From: Lamar Hunt []
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 3:07 PM
To:; 'Bernie Windmiller'; Claude NEWBY;;; Dave Peterson; Don Breland; Jerry Autry; Lamar Hunt; Marvin Vickers
Subject: Racism and the President


Aw, come on, Jerry!  Racial?  When I listened to his "last" speech, I think, actually a news conference I was struck with how petulant the tone was, just poor me.  The reality that I see is that the country chose him, wanting to have a black president, for all (most of) the good reasons, and it hasn't worked out.  He is a great debater, but leading is a different task.  Is the country supposed to just do anything he asks because we don’t want to appear racist?  If he were white you would be all over his case.







-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 10:13 AM
To: Lamar Hunt
Cc: ; Bernie Windmiller; Claude NEWBY; ; ; Dave Peterson; Don Breland; Lamar Hunt; Marvin Vickers
Subject: Politics


Jackie and I went to lunch Sunday with some long time friends. Actually a woman who worked with Jackie. The husband is a South African who said something I thought was prophetic. He said that he had always thought the American system of governing was the best in the world but he's changed his mind. The American system is broken. I think so.


The Repubs in general in our system is "don't confuse me with facts, I have my mind made up." To be honest, I don't know what it is:  I actually feel badly for the President. What it appears to me is that not only does he have to contend with the recalcitrant, obstructionist Republicans who have only one goal, defeat the president and to hell with what is good for the country. And, besides that, his own party is giving him tepid support. You can't hear a news report that you don't hear some negative something about issues of leadership, etc. The other night on the PBS Newshour, Mitt Romney who is dry as shucks and will say anything to get the Republican nomination said the president has not communicated with the American people. The President is constantly trying to explain something and nobody seems to get that much of the American people don't care. 


I still personally think much of it is racial.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hatred of the President

Bernie, we will never agree but the short answer that it is politics, even with democrats. Plus, and I would never expect the 10 chaps to buy this but the Democrats want to keep lots of social programs where the Repubs mainly operate with the old saw, "of my father's children, I love myself the best. If the Lord provides for me, the devil take the rest." There are plenty of places to cut the deficit, waste is everywhere. 

I think Obama is too smart to be president. He is an ENTJ on the Myers Briggs and he loves to negotiate, get ideas. In many ways he has followed many of George W'
 issues on terrorism, etc. 

I do think he's vulnerable because most of the American electorate is stupid. Many of the Hispanics and blacks and even the poor who helped put himself into office and are disenchanted will probably not vote and consequently vote by not voting and go against their own interests. 

Plus, one thing that the President has failed to do is constantly remind Americans who care and not all do, is that he inherited the worst economy since the great depression. Bush still had 18 months to go with the first bailout. And, two wars, let us not forget. And the stupidity of many saying that he has had 3 years to work it out is imbesilic at best. Those like Lamar refuse to believe it is rasist but the intense hatred toward Obama leaves no other explanation.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Herman Cain For President

Herman Cain for president! Talk about a guy that you need to ask, "what have you been smoking?" Cain is one. The racist Republicans would nominate a black man for president? You have got to be s..ting me. I like Cain but he's got to be smarter than that. He's funny, to the point and I especially like his 999 plan. But, he has about as much chance of getting the nomination as a snowball in hell. Think about it: the Republican Party, mostly white men, right wing Christian fundamentalists whose take on the Christian Bible is the worst sort of distortion; southern bigots whose IQs top off in the mid double digits.  And, as a "party" have dedicated themselves to defeating the President at the expense of the country. Give me a break. Mitch McConnell from KY should be the nominee: sullen, hateful, an overall a'hole! Please!

Well, Cain, won the Florida straw poll, whatever the hell that is. Florida, the state that put George W in the White House. They sure as hell ought to be proud of that! Here's what I think. Cain is like a general in the army. He begins to believe the press or the "yes men" around him. The reality, Herman, order a pepparoni pizza and drink a six pack and call it a night.

Southern Baptists and the LDS Church

When I was a seminary student, I use to listen to Dr  Criswell of the First Baptist Church in Dallas  I was a farm boy "called," as we said in those days, to the ministry.  Our world was very narrow and simple.  Dr Criswell (every preacher of a big church is a "Dr" of something) had a megachurch before we knew what a megachurch was. His only real rival in Southern Baptists' circles, in those days was Robert G Lee who also had a megachurch, can't remember where.  Dr Lee preached a firery brand of Christianity and his famous sermon was "Payday Someday,"  a very fundamentalist view of hell.  "You were a sinner hanging over the fires of hell by a string. If you dod't repent and give your life to Jesus, 'your ass is grass.' "  I would get fired up.  The big difference in then and now is politics. It is very hard to really equate the differences. During Dr Criswell and Lee's time, they didn't have all the media. Now, most of these preaches are media stars with egos as big as the outdoors. They are about as far removed from what Jesis taught and how He lived as they can possibly be. By in large, they are f..king hypocrites. An example, Robert Jeffress, the senior pastor at First Baptist Church in Dallas ( Dr Criswell's old church) was introducing Rick  Perry as "a committed follower of Christ." Perry thanked him, and said Jeffress had "hit it out of the park." Afterwards, Jeffress told reporters that Perry's rival for the Repub presidential nomination, Mitt Romney, was "not a Christian" and that Mormonism is a "cult." Now, does he really believe that bullshit. Probably not. He's trying to continue to take care of his ego needs by being controversial. My view anyway. What is it about Mormonism that sparks such concern among evangelical Christians, a critical bloc of voters in the Republican party.  Mormons rely on the Book of Mormon as a text and give it equal weight with the Bible. So do the Catholics rely on Canon Law as they call it. Why don't Jeffress and his crowd nail their ass. Both Catholics and Mormons  deviate from the Jesus Christ who is portrayed in the Bible. I think that the Mormons (LDS, Latter Day Saints) are an easy target and it is all politics anyway. The people who are going to pay those like Jeffress any attention anyway are the crowd he already has. So, he's preaching to the choir but my opinion which no one gives a s..t about,"pastor J, f..k you very much." 

Saturday, October 08, 2011


This is Fleet Week in San Francisco. This cracks me up every year. First of all, there's no Navy around anywhere, plus San Fran has traditionally been hostile to the military. Ask any Vietnam vet and he or she has a war story. One of my buddies tells the story of a fellow vet crossing the street and this hippy looking type, long hair, a bath in the last millinium comes up beside him and says looking at the hook where the hand had been. "What happened to your arm, man?"
"Got it blown off in Vietnam."
"Serves you right." He should have killed the MFer and left him bleeding in the street.

This speaks to a new survey by the Pew Research folk where they surveyed over 4000 vets and determined that vets had a greater sense of patriotism than the public at large. DUD!

The American public at large doesn't give a f..k about those serving. This is more pholosophical than real and may sound harsh but based on the fact that you have a half of one percent of eligible Americans who serve, what conclusion can be drawn.

We're in two "sorry" wars, just as Vietnam was: soldiers just did their duty and years later, we wrestled with what it all meant. At least now, on an overt level, Americans give lip service, support the troops bumper stickers, recognition at sporting events. So...let's accept. God bless the troops!


I am getting f..king tired of listening to all this bullshit of bashing the President  by the nonthinking Repubs. And, I might add, I've been tired of the rhetoric for some time. It is "don't confuse me with facts, I have my mind made up." I actually feel badly for the President and have for some time. What it appears to me is that not only does he have to contend with the recalcitrant, obstructionist Republicans who have only one goal, "defeat the president and to hell with what is good for the country." And, besides that, his own party is giving him tepid support. You can't listen to a news report that you don't hear some negative something about issues of leadership, etc. Last night on the PBS Newshour, Mitt Romney who is dry as shucks and will say anything to get the Republican nomination said the president has not communicated with the American people. The President is constantly trying to explain something and nobody seems to "get" that much of the American people don't give a rat's behind. But, I'm telling you right now, "the Democrats better wake their ass up. The Republican base is mostly ignorant/stupid, and will constantly vote against their own interests. As a Democrat, you don't like the president, so what do you want, Bachman, Cain, Perry, Romnie. Wake up and smell the roses. Think Alabama. They haven't had an original thought since they join the Union. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Peter Ban Buren's book, "WE MEANT WELL: How I Helped Lose the War for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People" is reminiscent of Vietnam in a sense. MAINLY IN BEING STUPID!

I heard this Van Buren interviewed on NPR. I'm going to buy the book. Sounds like some good stories, telling us what we already know: we f..ked up big time in Iraq in involving ourselves and once we realize we've f..ked up, we compound it by being stupid. 

I always asked myself, "why would a guy like Van Buren write such a book. I surely can't answer for him but think it is out of frustration. He has witnessed all this stupidity and wants to record it andsyne even have something to say in stopping it. Talk about in the wind. Forget it...

And, the same sort of idiocy continues in Iraq and bigtime in Afghanistan even today. For Van Buren the "powers that be" didn't appear to give a s..t as he admits that he fell in line too with being stupid. 

As a "midget" in the great scheme of things, what is utterly discouraging to me is that "tell all" books like Van Buren's, which should serve as some sort of "lessons learned" don't matter for "s..t."  In Vietnam, we would take a piece of ground, give it up. Then we tried Vietnimization, win the hearts and minds of the people (does that sound familiar). The next thing was "body count." The soldiers realized it was bullshit but kept on doing it. Now, of course, as we are still into two wars with less than dubious results and this is saying it mildly as we still continue to be stupid, stupid, stupid. 

Monday, September 26, 2011


The style section of the "NYT" did a story about this former rocker and right wing fundamentalist preacher, Bradlee Dean. He has a Christian rap band, and a youth ministry. Michele Bachmann is a fan. If that wasn't enough to immediately dismiss him, his "way out" views are enough. He has arms full of tattoos with Biblical references. I could call him a "crazy" but he's smart like a fox: DVDs, books, an industry himself. If these guys do good and positive, I don't give a f..K but what I do object to is misquoting and prooftexting (pulling out a phrase or sentence, totally taken out of context) the Bible to propagate their erroneous  and misguided views.

What Bible are they using? In any sort of reading about the life of Jesus, this "way out, hate propaganda" is simply not only erroneous but a downright lie. And Bradlee and Bachmann's views would be an anathema to Jesus who lived a life of tolerance, love, self sacrifice. Don't believe me, read the Bible yourself. Go to the very beginning of the New Testament and read, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Read what Jesus did and said. You don't have to depend on what some preacher, me, anybody says, go to the source. THE BIBLE.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


Politics by it's very nature is at best  compromise and at worst, corruptive. Most of us Americans who "think" and have a smidged of faith in the process keep hoping that we'll see something truly unusual in the President. I remain a supporter as I think as politicians go, he has "given at the office," meaning really tried to be the president of all the people. However, governing is different than campaigning and in his case even though supportive, I see politics and re-election intruding more and more.

What I want is to see the President "rising above it all. Doing the right thing." To hell with his advisors, the political process, his own conciliatory nature and simply as my dad would say, "do what's right."

I think the Palestinian statehood at the UN may be one of those times where the President has a chance to do the right thing and f..k the politics. As a country, we are always going to support and defend Israel. To my Dad, it was a Biblical thing. Very complicated that he couldn't explain but would roughly say, "don't f..k with the Jews or God will get you." But, let's face it everybody needs a home and a country. Come on! What in the f..k is the big deal other than politics. Politicians can explain why Palestine can't be a country but it doesn't really hold water. It may even sound naive but what real difference would it make? None in the big picture from my perspective as I don't know s..t but I do know what it means to "do the right thing."

I don't even know who the hell the Jewish lobby is but obviously they wield lots of influence--however, this might be a case where the President "rolls the dice" and says, "I'm doing the right thing, f..k you very much."   

Thursday, September 22, 2011


The country is in the preverbal mess. The Republicans are a recalcitrant bunch of obstructionists and the Democrats can't get their stuff together. What gets me is that so many Americans who depend on the social programs that the Democrats are mainly responsible responsible for, i. e., social security, medicare, continue to be misguided in my view and vote against their own interests. I don't get how they can be blinded. Crazy. Do we think for a moment that the poor people in Texas, if they truly understood what Rick Perry sood for, would vote for him. Or, if any American who used their brain could possibly see a country created by Michelle Bachman could possibly support what she stands for. Please!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


I support it but if for a minute we think
it's going to be easy, I have to asked, "What have you been smoking?" Overall, my faith in soldiers makes me want to think they will deal with it just fine. In a sense, it is hard to know. It isn't like racism or related social issues. This has to do with the "verboten" subject of sex. The leadership calls it "sexual orientation" as though this handles it. Bullshit! A propensity to be interested in a same sex is basic theory and it would be like GIs being typical males flirting with girls, whatever. But, we dealing with long standing prejudices fueled by a culture trying to come to grips with a different set of values. Technically, it is sexual attraction, just so happens, it is same sex. Issues of showers, display of affection, deep rooted beliefs, crushes; hell, we are talking about kids here. And, then there are the religious views. Preachers who are not immune from prooftexting (taking out selected passages to prove their point) the Bible to reinforce their homophobic beliefs even though sincere.   

My belief is that overall, soldiers will get past this. I liken it to homophobia in general. Let me give you this example: A soldier will have all these macho/homophobic beliefs and suddenly, he meets a guy who is gay. They become friends. The heteresextual/homophobic, all of a sudden, these feelings go out the door. It happens. I have dozens of war stories of my own. I met a gay Priest once who said he was attracted to me. Bullshit. Although flattered, I like women. (this is macho talk). We laughed and became great friends. He left the priesthood years later when he "came out." We are still really good friends.

My big thing is let's don't get in a state of denial more than we already are. While I think that soldiers will adapt, I don't have a clue how it is going to work. Sex is a driving force in our makeup I think. Men in particular. Think of all the men, powerful men, who have been stupid. Eric Spitzer, Arnold Swatzerneggar, this French asshole who was accused of raping the maid. Need I say more. Put any spin or psychobabble you want on it, it is the "elephant" I'n the room.

And our culture is still mired in a type of strange silence about it. Soldiers in conventional units will probably do better than the more elite units like the 82d Airborne Division, Special Forces (Green Berets) and the Special Operations units of all the services like Seal Team Six. The Marines will not have an easy time of it, you can count on it. And, then there are the movies that absolutely reflect our culture. "An Officer and a Gentleman." Richard Ghere and his fellow trainees are in formation and the tough as nails tdrill sergeant played by Louis Gossett, jr.,is hassling them. One recruit says he's from Texas. The drill Sergeant says, "the only things that come out of Texas is steers and queers." Take a look at the movie, "Full Medal Jacket" and count the number of references to "fags." Good luck and God bless. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


My wife walked into the kitchen where I was reading the paper and said, "every American should be outraged. On one side of the paper is an article that says students defaulting on loans, the poverty rate for kids and adults is out the roof, people are without jobs. The President has proposed a 'job's bill'. The guy is at least trying to do something. On the other side of the page is Eric Cantor saying immediately, forget it, the Republicans won't go for it." She shakes her head and walks out.  

I think always, "who are these people like Cantor? Who in the f..k votes for them. And, NO, Americans are not going to be ashamed. Many don't give a s..t. And those who are bitching about Obama. Where the f..k are you going to go? And, you better think twice before you don't vote because if we can't get the Cantors and O'Connels out, it is going to be bad, bad, bad!


Reading Sarah Reidy's comments about the debates of Republicans is "right on:"For years I have tried to prove that the GOP isn’t the Party of elitist, stereotypical people that lack compassion...Hearing the debate crowds go crazy over things like executions and the uninsured dying makes me sick and sad for my Party." 

Sarah, let me pass this to you. The Republican Party/Tea Party is made up whites, wealthy, older Americans which is in fact the Republican party. Add angry, recalcitrant, party of no, racist. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011



Have been reading excerpts from Jackie Kennedy tapes. Interesting...wonder how they will be received?? For a well educated Yankee ...she shared same views  as women in "The Help" (movie) towards blacks. Funny how she had such distaste for  Martin L. King... but never saw her husband in the same light. Have read before how she and all the Kennedys thought L.B.Johnson was a buffoon. But then the entire South was looked upon as Buffoon's! The movie "The Help" took place in the 1950's. & early 60's...loved the cars...when I was in high school and college ..then married. Had some black students in summer school at ECU...but didn't think anything about it. My husband was teaching in 1962-1964 and never taught a single black child. chg


NBC's Brien Williams featured a few of Jackie Kennedy's thoughts last night. She definitely was not too charitable toward MLK and LBJ. Historically, I don't think even LBJ's staunchest critics can deny that his lasting imprint on America did far exceed what Kennedy could have done had he lived. LBJ gets credit for Civil Right's and Voter Act, plus Medicare. 

The interesting thing now is that with LBJ as President, with this political climate, he couldn't do s..t. Just wouldn't happen. What we have now is partisan politics where the Republicans are much more interested in getting the President out of the White House than what is good for the country. And, in a round about way, LBJ is responsible for this vitriolic climate. Many of those making the loudest noise are racists just beneath the skin, i. e., most of the South, always solidly Democrat--after LBJ and the Civil Rights Act, Republican all the way and remain so today. Republicans hide behind issues like the deficit, Obamacare, etc but at the heart of it, they don't want an African American in the White House. My view anyway. 

Tuesday, September 06, 2011


"Barney's Version." I thought it was a comedy. Heavy, Jewish, divorce, dysfunction, dope, alcoholism. Should I go on. This is one of those movies where the one who wrote the synopsis or developed the movie trailer should have a "time out." The trailer showed Paul Giamotti leaving his very Jewish wedding (with every Jewish stereotype you can imagine), pursuiing another woman. It gives all indication it's a comedy. There is hardly a funny scene in the entire movie. It starts with a drunken dope scene in Rome with Giamonni and friends who impact his life somewhat throughout the movie.

It is a very disconnected movie, even if very heavy in every way. There's even a subplot of a supposedly murder. A downer movie but sobering too in terms of reality. For example, most marriages, need a reality check on occasion. Watching a movie like "Barney's Version" can help us look at our own marriage, i. e., "how are we doing?" And, a coup de gras: Barney descents into dementia. A guy who drinks, smokes like a chimney, personal life a mess and finally exists in a dark world inhabited only by Barney.

With a differing view, my wife says, don't see this movie unless you are already depressed.

Sunday, September 04, 2011


The term heroes is mostly semantics. And, I think there is some histrionics in the idea that there is a "cult of the uniform" as the Sunday "Times" article,  "An Empty Regard" suggests. I think there is another explanation why the majority of Americams express appreciation of the military. Americans who care and not all do have somehow in their psyche decided that they are never again going to treat soldiers as badly as they did Vietnam vets. As Vietnam vets of that sorry war, if we have any legacy, blaming the soldier for our misadventures will not happen again.  Our own emotional well being is still tied up with that awful treatment. We not only fought in Vietnam but had another battle at home. And, those battles have persisted through recognition on health issues like Agent Orange and PTSD. For a good ten years or more, Vietnam vets were basically silent. The literature coming from us was scant and even the movies that showed up only reinforced what most Americans thought: crazed Vietnam vets who are whack jobs.

Anybody can apply any term--heroes is as good as any. Many soldiers are serving multiple tours, families barely scraping by and the soldier themselves engaged in a warfare that is lethal: deadly outposts, a srtategy that, if workable, in nation building would take years, not to mention a populace that is ambivalent, not through lack of desire but unable in taking charge of their own destiny once we're gone. The present soldier has done every single thing that has been asked of him or her and more. If that isn't heroism, I don't know what is.

Jerry Aughtry
Vietnam, class of 68-69
415 515-8369


Reading an excerpt from Dick Chaney's book, "In My Time,"  is like visiting the Star Wars Cafe. Talk about escape from reality. I am amazed even for Cheny. I always thought the "neocons," were a routestep bunch of malcontents, whose spinning and hold on the real world is almost beyond the pale. At best, they live in a parallel universe.  

My disclaimer is that I have not read the book: A couple of excerpts before I became nauseous. I did read Maureen Dowd who is left of center, of course. I love her writing. Then I read in the "right of center" Wall Street Journal a book review and a long piece by another writer. The review was fairly objective but the other writer should be on Fox News. Give me a break!

Faced with the facts, Chaney unpacks his own views where the truth and reality are strictly coincidental. Biased? Absolutely as I think Chaney can soundly be accused of being the major culprit for Iraq. Even most reasonably credible "right of center" will admit that the Iraq war was based on a lie. No, I take it back. They won't admit it but we know it's true.   

Fortunately, at some point, George W. wised up but it was too late. I would sound like some West Coast Berzerkely type if I mentioned "war criminal" status for Chaney. As a very minimum, if I were a mom or dad whose son's life ended in that uncalled for war, I don't know how I would ever get over it. It was easy for Chaney to convince Bush to send kids to war as Chaney, of course, had other "priorities" and consequently didn't serve in Vietnam. How does draft-dodger sound? But, let's call it what he is: a combination spin and escape from reality. Chaney hasn't morph into it but has always been there. Don't confuse me with facts, I have my mind made up.

You would think that with the heart trouble, it would have softened him a bit. For most, it does. Lee Atwater, for example. He was a Republican strategist and a mean "mother" in politics--take no prisoners. When he got cancer, it changed him and before he died, he said something like,  "my illness has taught me something about the nature of humanity, love, brotherhood and relationships that I never understood." chamey hasn't come to that lesson. 

Putting the bad mouth on Colin Powell and Condi Rice should maybe elevate them in status. I've never been much of a fan of Colin Powell as I think he sold out, relatively speaking. It is sad to me because rarely in life does a single individual get a chance to change the course of history. Powell had his chance, I think, when he went before the UN to plead the case for invading Iraq. By his own admission, he had doubts about Iraq--he caved.

I might have to revisit the whole thing now that Chaney has dissed him. Maybe there's something I don't know. A last thing. I did read his cohart's (Rummy) book. I never got the feeling that Rumsfeld was mean spirited. Chaney, on the other hand, comes across as bitter with a few scores to settle.


I believe that if this book can play a small part in insuring the American people will never again experience, in their future, a war like Vietnam, then maybe the physical and mental scars of our Vietnam veterans can, in a small way be justified. (We learned nothing from Vietnam and are mired in one war and in the other, we are trying to extract ourselves but it is highly unlikely).

Tim O'Connor, author of the book, Blood Brothers. Till Death Do Us Part

Monday, August 29, 2011


The term heroes is mostly semantics. And, I think there is some histrionics in the idea that there is a "cult of the uniform" as the Sunday "Times" article,  "An Empty Regard" suggests. I think there is another explanation why the majority of Americams express appreciation of the military. Americans who care and not all do have somehow in their psyche decided that they are never again going to treat soldiers as badly as they did Vietnam vets. As Vietnam vets of that sorry war, if we have any legacy, blaming the soldier for our misadventures will not happen again.  Our own emotional well being is still tied up with that awful treatment. We not only fought in Vietnam but had another battle at home. And, those battles have persisted through recognition on health issues like Agent Orange and PTSD. For a good ten years or more, Vietnam vets were basically silent. The literature coming from us was scant and even the movies that showed up only reinforced what most Americans thought: crazed Vietnam vets who are whack jobs.

Anybody can apply any term--heroes is as good as any. Many soldiers are serving multiple tours, families barely scraping by and the soldier themselves engaged in a warfare that is lethal: deadly outposts, a srtategy that, if workable, in nation building would take years, not to mention a populace that is ambivalent, not through lack of desire but unable in taking charge of their own destiny once we're gone. The present soldier has done every single thing that has been asked of him or her and more. If that isn't heroism, I don't know what is.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


"Thank you very much." When I was a teenager I use to stand in front of the mirror and practice my Elvis impression. "Thank you very much." Elvis left us way too early.

I've never been one of those celebrity worshipping types. They seek fame and when they get it, all they can do is gripe about paparazzi hounding them because they are famous. Elvis seemed a little different. Timing, lots of things, some outrageous behavior, mostly generosity if myth stands for anything. Did Elvis go to buy a Cadillac and in asking the salesman how it did on gas, only to be told that if he had to asked that question, a Cadillac was not for him. Elvis bought the entire dealership of Cadillacs to give to his friends and oh by the way, fired the salesman. Myth? Probably!  But, it was Elvis and it was OK  

As a junior or senior in High School, I remember with much fondness, waiting in my 52 Chevy for early morning football practice. School had not even started and my enthsiasm for practicing football was not at razor pitch. It was about this time of year, August. "Don't Be Cruel" blaring over the radio. Elvis was my psych for pushing through.  Yesterday was the anniversary of his death.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


I've never really like Mullen, the outgoing Chairman of the Joint Chiefs. It's nothing personal. A Navy weinie can't really grasp what it means to be an infantry soldier but all that BS is beside the point. What I think amounts to something akin to whale manure is the fact that watching him talk to young soldiers in Afghanistan about the debt ceiling--translated that they might not get paid was beyond the pale. What stupid MF would stand up in front of combat soldiers and talk about a subject like the debt ceiling. Damn if anybody I know would do it.  Give me a break! Soldiers whose lives are on the line constantly and living from paycheck to paycheck, away from home, worried already and Mullen suggests a possible "no payday." If those bumbling idiots in Washington don't get it together, soldiers will still be paid, plain and simple.


Glad you are not spending your time on Fox News. I say what I have been saying about the deficit: bringing it down with a scalpel, not an ax. In our recent history, let us not forget Bill Clinton gave us a surplus. Our system is such and this isn't my thinking but mostly democrats and the Economist magazine: our system is unique, we can relieve suffering in the immediate term, i. e., jobs with federal programs while reducing the deficit. Taxing the rich is just part of it. Guys like Warren Bufettt say, do it.

I don't think for a minute that I can out argue or convince the 10 chaps. I listen to Brien Williams and Lester every night and they are my favorites, followed by the News Hour. And, hauling the Grandkids around, I listen to NPR lots. All the news outlets do what I hate and this is something I have said before and will continue to say: In attempting to be fair, they always let their guests do their spin without correction or hard questions. Consequently the facts get obscured and those Americans who care get confused. An example: guess who was a big culprit in the housing crisis, Standard and Poor in giving AAA ratings to those who were selling subprime mortgages. And, we should listen to them.



Since the markets have done exactly what Standard and Poor's wanted, I guess the f..king hypocrites are happy. Plus, I think NPR must be in cahoots with them, especially "Talk of the Nation." I have never in my life heard so much negativism and what I would consider pandering to the Republicans. Standard and Poor's hypocrisy started with giving Triple A ratings to crooks who brought about the disastrous economic crisis. But, I must admit, they've got a gigantic "pair" of them as they are probably laying around gloating on how finally they called it. Payback time and the investors bought it.

Who the f..k are these investors is what I want to know? The guest of "Talk" had a big article in the Sunday NY Times, also: What Happened To Obama? What the f..k! I could hardly believe this bigoted asshole got this much ink. I am probably a little too hard on him but when I saw he was from Georgia. Really. He's author of a book called The Political Brain: The role of emotion I'n deciding the fate of a nation. This f..ker is a Rwpublican spokesman if I've ever heard one. In the article in The Times, he actually criticized the president who had actually made speeches already that this guy was saying je should do.

The best thing that I heard today was a caller to "Talk" who defended the President as a possible best president in history who has had to deal with Republicans who have taken a blood oath to bring him down. I agee with one caveat: I also think much of it is racial.


The loss of a single life in our two present wars is sad beyond words. But, the loss of this group of elite soldiers is incalculable. These guys are the best of the best. Having taken a brief (what they called it in those days, the gentleman's prefix 3 course), I can say inequitably, these guys can truly scale any building, climb any mountain. They are Superman.

With only 1% of Americans with any involvement in the two questionable wars, to be proud of these elite soldiers goes beyond what any might say. To die in a "hook" which is like flying a small house is questionable. Under any circumstances, these things are targets. I'n Vietnam, we use to say about helicopters, "any little old lady" with a WWl Springfield rifle could knock them out of the sky. And, from it appears, they were brought down by a rocket propelled grenade. Even a rebel fighter from Libya couldn't miss.

It is easy to be a Monday morning quarterback second guessing this decision but it doesn't make any sense. From what I read, everybody knew the Taliban were everywhere. Why would they take a chance? Relying on luck won't hack it. I'm not going tp say anymore. Just wait and see. For now, like any American who care, I'm just going to be sad or angry. I'm grieving.


The loss of a single life in our two present wars is sad beyond words. But, the loss of this group of elite soldiers is incalculable. These guys are the best of the best. Having taken a brief (what they called it in those days, the gentleman's prefix 3 course), I can say inequitably, these guys can truly scale any building, climb any mountain. They are Superman.

With only 1% of Americans with any involvement in the two questionable wars, to be proud of these elite soldiers goes beyond what any might say. To die in a "hook" which is like flying a small house is questionable. Under any circumstances, these things are targets. I'n Vietnam, we use to say about helicopters, "any little old lady" with a WWl Springfield rifle could knock them out of the sky. And, from it appears, they were brought down by a rocket propelled grenade. Even a rebel fighter from Libya couldn't miss.

It is easy to be a Monday morning quarterback second guessing this decision but it doesn't make any sense. From what I read, everybody knew the Taliban were everywhere. Why would they take a chance? Relying on luck won't hack it. I'm not going tp say anymore. Just wait and see. For now, like any American who care, I'm just going to be sad or angry. I'm grieving.


On an NPR program a day or so ago, a reporter went to Virginia, home of many of the Navy Seals or Special Ops troops. The reporter made a note of the lack of fanfare, no flowers, ribbons, very subdued, much like the lives of the fallen soldiers: no fanfare, speeches, just do the job. The reporter also talked to ex military, mostly retired. They were sobering in their comments about getting out of Afghanistan. What is pretty remarkable is that as a rule military people are reluctant to even give a hint that they don't support the war efforts. This is different. What any of us who care have come to realize: Afghanistan is a "fast train to nowhere." There is absolutely no area that is not f..ked up. And, the death of these soldiers make us realize it with a palpable sadness. Villagers protect the Taliban either out of fear or sympathy and in reading various analysis, the simple calculation is clear: if we stay in Afghanistan ten more years, guess where we'll be? ABOUT WHERE WE ARE TODAY.


Last night on NBC news, they showed a letter from the pilot of the "hook" that went down in Afghanistan. It showed a picture of the pilot and his 10 year old son. The son was wearing a set of dress blues that obviously the dad had had made for him. It was unbelieably sad

Monday, July 25, 2011


There is no way to explain the mass murder in Norway. It defies any kind of explanation. Right wing Christian fundamentalist. What the f..k is that!!! Crazy is the only idea I know and that doesn’t do it.

How does a rational enlightened society deal with it. Damn if I know. It is this crazy, nuts, sick: it is Timothy McVeigh, the Unabomber. The list is endless: revenge, payback, killing the sorry perpetrators. Bring back public hangings. I don’t know. How does a people deal with the mass murder of their children. It is too horrific to contemplate. For me, it makes me believe in hell. The idea that someone so evil and delusional will at least experience the torment of burning forever. I don’t usually quote the Bible because most who do, do it wrongly and out of context but I found this on an APP and it gave me comfort. (Slightly paraphrased)

“For God would not [even] spare angels that killed innocents, but would cast them into hell, delivering them to be kept there in pits of doom till the judgment.”

I am doing all I can do. Sending good thoughts and prayers. My hope for the loved ones is that their pain can at some time down the road be transformed into lasting and tangible memories of the potential of those lost. God bless all.

Sunday, July 24, 2011


death.  I have been watching a program on war letters; very interesting as it covers all American conflicts.  In several cases, the letter is shared and then at the end stated that the soldier had died a day or two after writing the letter.  Just think of all the letters that have not been written in our current conflicts; who will save and share the email letters or phone conversations that are the common ways now of contacting loved ones and friends.


Saturday, July 23, 2011


I listened to this guy on NPR who had an essay on whether "self interests trump the common good." HELLO!!! Good commentary but this is a no brainer. Of course self interests trump the common good. And, anybody who thinks otherwise is in another galaxy I think. Example: Congress. Their self interests trump what's good for the common good. Hands down. The debt ceiling is the best example I know. Think right wing fundamentalists, i. e., the Republicans. They will take a chance on the country going down the tubes just for the "next election." Sorry MFers. And, they don't give a f..k because they know that they can spin it in such a way that it can be blamed on others.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Now here is a non conspiracy theory but just as real. And, this isn't just my view but heard it somewhere: the "debt ceiling" hadn't been a big deal up until now. One or more of the Republican lessor light zeolots seized on it and tried to tie it to their favorite theme of "reducing the deficit and don't raise taxes." To me, it is very complicated, the entire financial system, our economy: tell me the average American gets it. We don't.

Listen to the stock market, up or down, some analyst gives us some speculation. Then, the next day, it goes down or up on a view of the world. The f..king analyst comes with something else. He doesn't know s..t. Give me a break. He only knows what he thinks.

Unemployment goes up. Why? Then it goes down, the stock market goes down. Why? Some analyst claims he/she knows. It is speculation. An economy based on consumer spending. What the f..k is that: buying things we don't need. Some talking head says, "housing bubble" continues to be problem. Banks foreclose. People try to get loans. Can't. Speculators buy up houses. Banks rather foreclose that work out morgage modifications; Greece is defaulting. Italy is in trouble. We owe China. Gasoline has gone up. It goes down. I could go on and on.

Do we honestly think us average types in the "street" get this even if he/she is interested. I don't get it. And, this isn't a putdown of the "American people" that the politicians are so fond of claiming to have their best interest at heart. Bullshit.

Politicians lose perspective, reelection is the only thing that matters while they are touting their mantra: Don't raise taxes, no raising the debt limit.  

Unfortunately at this time, in my view, we have to listen to those who know more than we do. Economists, even our president, God forbid. How about the Fed Chairman, (who does understand where we are). But, none of this makes any difference to a zealot who basically operates on the idea, "don't confuse me with facts, I have my mind made up." If I were the president, I would say to the zealots, f..k you very much and raise it on my own. I've listened to enough rhetoric to think that the constitution gives him the power to do it. What the president doesn't seem to get is that with the recalcitrant Republicans, he is not going to get them to move. They are the party of "no." They would take a chance on hurting the country in a millisecond for politics. But in some ways, I think it is much deeper. Some in the country hate the president so much that they simply have no objectivity. And, "ha", that is a revelation that they ever had any. Me biased? Hmmmmm


As all of us know, Andy has experienced a recurrence of his cancer. And, as he says, "I think that I have bought my final ticket." Who knows but we want to think about how to be supportive." We don't want any philosophical BS, just how to respond or not. Sometimes, there really is nothing to do but "be there."

We all know Andy pretty well. Hell, we showed up for Kathy's Memorial and Andy was in Florida. So, we just have to do the best we can as friends. Larry has really been on top of it lots, going to chow, etc. with Andy. Let's keep the squeeze on him for breakfast, etc. As it progresses, if it does, we'll just have to see. Treat him the way we always have: kick his ass for being such a curmudgeon, taking forever to order chow, bitching, being Andy. Don't treat him any different than usual. Pay attention here, this is good stuff. Amen, power in the blood, God bless or Andy's benediction: "may the God of your choice bless you." Think "next life."

In fact just thought of this and in the spirit of keeping it light, here's an idea to present to Andy.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Now here is a non conspiracy theory but just as real. And, this isn't just my view but heard it somewhere: the "debt ceiling" hadn't been a big deal up until now. One or more of the Republican lessor light zeolots seized on it and tried to tie it to their favorite theme of "reducing the deficit and don't raise taxes." To me, it is very complicated, the entire financial system, our economy: tell me the average American gets it. We don't.

Listen to the stock market, up or down, some analyst gives us some speculation. Then, the next day, it goes down or up on a view of the world. The f..king analyst comes with something else. He doesn't know s..t. Give me a break. He only knows what he thinks.

Unemployment goes up. Why? Then it goes down, the stock market goes down. Why? Some analyst claims he/she knows. It is speculation. An economy based on consumer spending. What the f..k is that: buying things we don't need. Some talking head says, "housing bubble" continues to be problem. Banks foreclose. People try to get loans. Can't. Speculators buy up houses. Banks rather foreclose that work out morgage modifications; Greece is defaulting. Italy is in trouble. We owe China. Gasoline has gone up. It goes down. I could go on and on.

Do we honestly think us average types in the "street" get this even if he/she is interested. I don't get it. And, this isn't a putdown of the "American people" that the politicians are so fond of claiming to have their best interest at heart. Bullshit.

Politicians lose perspective, reelection is the only thing that matters while they are touting their mantra: Don't raise taxes, no raising the debt limit.  

Unfortunately at this time, in my view, we have to listen to those who know more than we do. Economists, even our president, God forbid. How about the Fed Chairman, (who does understand where we are). But, none of this makes any difference to a zealot who basically operates on the idea, "don't confuse me with facts, I have my mind made up." If I were the president, I would say to the zealots, f..k you very much and raise it on my own. I've listened to enough rhetoric to think that the constitution gives him the power to do it. What the president doesn't seem to get is that with the recalcitrant Republicans, he is not going to get them to move. They are the party of "no." They would take a chance on hurting the country in a millisecond for politics. But in some ways, I think it is much deeper. Some in the country hate the president so much that they simply have no objectivity. And, "ha", that is a revelation that they ever had any. Me biased? Hmmmmm

Sunday, July 03, 2011

My War Is Better than Your War

Tom, good article even with it's 
inaccuracies. Thanks for serving two 
tours. Shorter deployments but more 
often, I think, would be tougher. I think 
there's going to be lots of comparison 
and as the wars wind down, if they do, 
let the fun begin. This chaplain sounds 
like Curry Vaughn. Because the soldier 
is in such collective favor in these 
days because of overall guilt, I think, 
the chaplain as well as soldiers get, 
relative speaking, good support. 

Based on the system, this guy better 
retire, doubt he will be promoted again. 
The military hardly will not see this as 
weakness (depression). 

What is undeniable is that the casualty 
rate was gigantic in Vietnam as 
compared to Afghanistan. And, the 
soldiering was different but many of 
the same issues. There is no such 
thing in my mind, as "my war is better than your war."

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Friendly fire is something dreaded by soldiers. As welcome as that whizing sound of artillery over your head, equally dreaded not hearing it when you know it is supposed to be there-- oh hell a "short round." And, in Vietnam when it happened, it was routinely reported as enemy fire. Who the f..k wants to be killed by his own people--I know because I'm the FO (forward observor ) NCO (non commissioned Officer). In other words, I'm the guy who calls in the artillery. It was OJT (on the job training). Pretty simple, calculating distances, learning the language. A military artillery observer is responsible for directing artillery onto enemy positions. The artillery battery is often located miles away. I was the eyes of the gunners, calling in target locations and adjustments. We were suppose to have a lieutenant FO. I don't know why we kept losing them. The last one stepped on a booby trap on Christmas day. Bummer. 

How GIs died in Vietnam sometimes takes on a weird, even if a deadly route. In fact, I heard about a guy who got hit by a "short round" while sitting on the "crapper." Wonder how that was reported? But, there is one that sticks in my mind. I had met this guy a couple of times. He was with me at Campbell with the 101st but then got a chance to go to language school. In fact, I applied to go to the same school.  It was in Monterey, California on the beach I heard. Somebody told me he wasn't all that keen on it but the school was in California, so why not. I got it. Maybe he thought he could avoid Nam. Who knows! My unit wouldn't let me go anyway  too valuable  bullshit! Anyway, he disappeared off my radar screen and then one day I was at Camp Eagle which was the rear area for the 101st, picking up some supplies and there he was. We had a little mini reunion. He told me that he was workng with the ARVN (Army of the Republic of Vietnam) as an advisor/translator and was loving it. Time was passing and it was interesting work. He must have seen the incredulous look on my face as he said, "really, we don't give them enough credit." 
"Yeah," I replied, "the few times they'd been with us, they were chasing ducks or chickens for their evening meal." I acknowledged that I was probably unfair and let it drop. He wanted to get some Cs (C rations were the staples for the American GI in Vietnam)
off me as he mostly ate Vietmamese chow. I gave him a whole box. He was some kind of happy. No sweat.

And, of all things, we got the shit kicked out of us a couple of days later and to nurse our wounds, somehow mercy was bestowed and we went to Co Co beach, this little Navy supply depot where we were suppose to be pulling security. And, what the hell, I scored the first watch of the night. The commo chief gave me the call sign and frequency of this ARVN unit about a mile away. "Run a commo check," he said. "Don't want the ARVNs gettin spooked." Sure enough, as soon as I got settled in which was at the north perimeter, I checked in. I thought I recognized the voice. "Brown (not his real name), is that you?" I be damn, it was. We broke radio protocol and chatted a bit. His ARVN unit was joining up with the 101st for a couple of sweeps (This is a kind of "walking through," a general area to see if any of the enemy could be flushed out. It was mostly a waste of time).

We signed off and the next thing I knew, it was time for another radio check. I couldn't raise him. For a couple of hours, I kept trying with no luck. Finally I was relieved from duty and promptly made it to a hooch where the company was mostly bedded down. I was out like a light. The next morning came way too fast but the good news is a hot chow, courteous of the Navy, was waiting. Still wiping the sleep from my eyes, somebody said, "Hear about that poor guy whose throat got slit. He was an advisor with the ARVN. The VC (Viet Cong) slipped in and slit his throat. I bet those f..king ARVN did it and blamed it on the VC."
"Was the guy's name, Brown?"
"Yeah, Brown was his name."

I don't know why Brown's death affected me so hard. I hardly knew him but still I did know him. He was an America soldier who died an inglorious death. I was still stewing about it a couple of nights later when I was preparing to prep this little village area in our AO (area of operations). Just to the right of us was this ARVN company, maybe 500 meters or so. Brown's ARVNs who slit his throat. I was firing phosphorus, WP, willy Peter we called it. Fire for effect. I was good. Most thought I was the best FO in the battalion, maybe the Division. Try the Army. I was firing for effect. The combat assault went off without a hitch. I heard that we trapped a whole parcel of VC. High body count! 

I was getting some "rays" when the Company Commander strolled over to me. "What the fuck happened last night?"
"What you mean?" 
"The ARVN Company to our right took a "short round. Killed or wounded the entire headquarters section."
"Damn, what the hell."
"Don't worry about it. Things happen. Better them that us. Probably be an investigation but you know what bullshit that is."

I never heard a word. One of my buddies, Phil Woodall, the Company poet wrote a book after he left Nam. Phil said about all our buddies who died, "they may have died in vain but they lived I'n honor." And,

Sunday, June 26, 2011


I see us in a bind on Afganistan and Iraqnam, even, which I'm not convinced we are going to get out of cleanly. It appears to me that even in Iraq, the Iraqis are being killed with impunity.  (I want to keep my remarks away from politics except where necessary for clarification. I don't think it is helpful for us to couch things in terms of politics). For instance, the Republicans play to a hawkish philosophy, as I see it mainly to appear to take a position different than the Democrats, whether right or wrong or good or bad. Ordinarily as of late, the Democrats since Vietnam have somewhat stayed on the sidelines, other than Bill throwing a missile or two somewhere. But, George W with 9-11 as a backdrop got us into two wars  Obama has actually been as hawkish and in some areas more. See what I mean and the above, although from my perspective, accurate, the fact is: "it is what it is." 

And, unfortunately, Afghanistan is not going to be a political issue. The vast majority of Americans have "no skin" in the game and as long as the wars are not affecting them personally, not on the radar screen. 

But, to me, it is a major issue because unlike politicians, I feel it is Vietnam revisited. For instance, the other night after the president's announcement, some Republican type, Rogers, I think was his name, was talking about withdrawal and how bad it was, sending a signal of being soft, etc. Very hawkish. Lindsay Graham, John McCain trying to outhawk the president who has been led down the primrose pass with ideas like, "get the job done", winning, support the troops". And, so now you have the president and generals' and the "talking heads" all painting this rosy picture of Afghanistan, "Can't give up the great progress" they say, when in fact, those of us who are out here listening to the news, reading the books, trying to find credible evidence cannot find one single thing about Afghanistan that offers any hope if we stay there a hundred years. 

Where does this rosy view come from?  I've thought for some time that the generals live in some parrellel universe. What they see is not what I see. Afghanistan is a country where loyalty to a village, a clan, a tribe with no sense of a central government, is simply a fact. Even if they had a president who wasn't corrupt, it wouldn't be happening. We've implemented a war philosophy of counter insurgency which is short hand for "nation building." Now, here's one thing you have to give the president, in his speech the other night he said something like "it is time for nation building in our own country." 

This is a statement that really got me, "President Obama on Thursday told U.S. troops who have fought in Afghanistan that the U.S. has turned a corner after nearly 10 years of war, and it's time for their comrades still in that country to start coming home."

WHAT CORNER IS HE TALKING ABOUT? Reminds me a bit of Westmoreland telling President Johnson during the Vietnam war, "send me more troops and we'll be home for Christmas." What we didn't nail down was what Christmas. As it turned out, the Christmas was five or 6 years later. 

In the last few days or so, I've listened to three NPR programs which have more or less had to do with troop reduction and politics; one of the programs were three civilians. One of them was this guy John Nagl, retired LTC, smart guy as I've heard him before and has some good ideas like conventional troops out and only Special Ops troops staying but still involves being in Afghanistan for years. For most of these like Nagl or Petreaus or Gates--it is more like having a position and refusing to back down. How often have you heard someone say, (us included) "I made a mistake or changed my mind." One in ten million.

The smartest "talking head" I heard was this  female, she laid out exactly what the real scene is: not the things that are so obvious: corruption, billions of dollars, drugs, tribe loyalty, the Taliban--simple fact, if we make it out of Afghanistan with the withdrawal of 33,000, still, our footprint in Afghanistan is going to be gigantic for years to come. 

Another program was called "Talk of The Nation" and Afghan vets were asked to call in and give their views. About six or eight called in. Not a one supported staying in Afghanistan with basically no faith in the Afghans' ability to take over from us. Plus, a couple of Vietnam vets called In and both related Afghanistan and the futility of it to Vietnam and our sacrifices meaning nothing. I basically see it that way. 

In all of this, I never hear a single advocate of returning to the military draft or anything that would move us to some kind of shared sacrifice for all Americans.  It ain't never going to happen. As long as we have a volunteer force that can do the job with all the inherent problems to come, if we ever get out of these two sorry wars, we will muddle along. The volunteer force is a moral issue all it's own. By in large, poor kids or at least those with few options are fighting America's wars. Pretty sad. I only know personally about a half dozen kids who are presently in the military. Every single one of them are youngsters on the margins, mostly from homes that are terribly dysfunctional or kids who have no real options other than joining up. Amd, they are good soldiers: that is not an issue. The moral failure to me is simply that most Americans are willing to let other people's kids fight our wars.