Saturday, November 19, 2011


David Brooks on the "News Hour" the other night said that in 10 years we would be like Greece. I would like to think not but based on current things, maybe and before. We are in a f..king mess anyway you look at it. 400 super rich Americans have more that 150 million low to middle class Americans. A protest movement who, if they don't know all the answers, know they are the 99%. Congress is a f..king bunch of "do nothings" who don't give a s..t nor have to answer to anybody. And, whose fault is that. OURS. Mine and yours asshole/MFers. It is our fault. We keep voting the same people into office. They go to Washinhton and enrich themselves and then come home and act like they give a s..t. Wake up and smell the roses. What we need is a "do over." get rid of them all. Start over. It is our only chance. Will we do it? Of course not, we are stupid and we are f..ked

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