Saturday, December 03, 2011


What never ceases to amaze me is the often unexpected analysis of life. An example: When Vietnam vets returned from Vietnam, a sorry war, but one in which young Americans, many draftees even, were sent by their country. They went, did their duty and returned home. Not as returning heroes but victims blamed for a war where they merely did what the country asked them to do. Relatively speaking, vets were silent for about ten years.

Now, I see some real affinity with the "Occupy Wall Street" movement and returning Vietnam vets. The OWS movement is out there legitimately assembling, attempting to bring attention to the inequities in our culture and thievery of Wall Street. The OWS participants are alienated from much of society, even as Vietnam vets were. Now, often, they have become objects of derision just like Vietnam vets. Cities are treated them as the enemy. They are not being supported visibly by Americans who themselves are in the 99%. What the f..k! The Cities are using those old excuses of safety and security to break up their camps. We've all seen the pepper spray, etc, those authorities and others who tepidly support them mainly now want them gone. Occupy Wall Street has become a movement. They are not going away like Vietnam vets did. And, to those who don't support them, I say, f..k you very much! More power to OWS!

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