Sunday, July 03, 2011

My War Is Better than Your War

Tom, good article even with it's 
inaccuracies. Thanks for serving two 
tours. Shorter deployments but more 
often, I think, would be tougher. I think 
there's going to be lots of comparison 
and as the wars wind down, if they do, 
let the fun begin. This chaplain sounds 
like Curry Vaughn. Because the soldier 
is in such collective favor in these 
days because of overall guilt, I think, 
the chaplain as well as soldiers get, 
relative speaking, good support. 

Based on the system, this guy better 
retire, doubt he will be promoted again. 
The military hardly will not see this as 
weakness (depression). 

What is undeniable is that the casualty 
rate was gigantic in Vietnam as 
compared to Afghanistan. And, the 
soldiering was different but many of 
the same issues. There is no such 
thing in my mind, as "my war is better than your war."

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