Saturday, October 08, 2011


I am getting f..king tired of listening to all this bullshit of bashing the President  by the nonthinking Repubs. And, I might add, I've been tired of the rhetoric for some time. It is "don't confuse me with facts, I have my mind made up." I actually feel badly for the President and have for some time. What it appears to me is that not only does he have to contend with the recalcitrant, obstructionist Republicans who have only one goal, "defeat the president and to hell with what is good for the country." And, besides that, his own party is giving him tepid support. You can't listen to a news report that you don't hear some negative something about issues of leadership, etc. Last night on the PBS Newshour, Mitt Romney who is dry as shucks and will say anything to get the Republican nomination said the president has not communicated with the American people. The President is constantly trying to explain something and nobody seems to "get" that much of the American people don't give a rat's behind. But, I'm telling you right now, "the Democrats better wake their ass up. The Republican base is mostly ignorant/stupid, and will constantly vote against their own interests. As a Democrat, you don't like the president, so what do you want, Bachman, Cain, Perry, Romnie. Wake up and smell the roses. Think Alabama. They haven't had an original thought since they join the Union. 

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