Tuesday, September 06, 2011


"Barney's Version." I thought it was a comedy. Heavy, Jewish, divorce, dysfunction, dope, alcoholism. Should I go on. This is one of those movies where the one who wrote the synopsis or developed the movie trailer should have a "time out." The trailer showed Paul Giamotti leaving his very Jewish wedding (with every Jewish stereotype you can imagine), pursuiing another woman. It gives all indication it's a comedy. There is hardly a funny scene in the entire movie. It starts with a drunken dope scene in Rome with Giamonni and friends who impact his life somewhat throughout the movie.

It is a very disconnected movie, even if very heavy in every way. There's even a subplot of a supposedly murder. A downer movie but sobering too in terms of reality. For example, most marriages, need a reality check on occasion. Watching a movie like "Barney's Version" can help us look at our own marriage, i. e., "how are we doing?" And, a coup de gras: Barney descents into dementia. A guy who drinks, smokes like a chimney, personal life a mess and finally exists in a dark world inhabited only by Barney.

With a differing view, my wife says, don't see this movie unless you are already depressed.

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