Thursday, October 13, 2011


Yeah, I think racial. I don't think the ten chaps are so much racial as in denial. Because I talk to my brothers regularly, who are educated, successful. Three of them have this unbelievable hatred of the president. There is simply no explanation other than racism. Most southerners are chafing under the idea that they have a black man in the White House. When LBJ and group passed the cilvil rights bill and voting rights bill, he said the Democrats had lost the South for ten years. He was wrong, lost maybe forever. Well, when kids get to be adults, maybe as they've had integration, etc. 

If I were a Republican, I would be ashamed that the party put self interest ahead of country. One goal, defeat Obama. If you do that, what have you gained? No jobs bill, etc. With 9 million out of work, let republicans offer something themselves. Democrats unlike the obstructionists, they would pass something. I am a Democrat but rather more of an Independent. I put the good of the country as paramount. I think because of the Republicans in Congress, our system is broken and this should concern us all. 


On Oct 12, 2011, at 12:52 PM, "Marvin Vickers" wrote:

A great debater?  Lamar you are too kind.  He cannot stay on point long enough to argue a point with him.  He is too busy blaming everyone but himself. Racial!  Wow this is the catch all for the catch all.  If you don’t agree with him or you argue a point with him then you  are Racial.   That basket if too full.  Or as one of my favorites says,  “The dog want hunt anymore.”  Oh, the “favorite is black, maybe I should quote someone else so it want sound racial. Marv


From: Lamar Hunt []
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 3:07 PM
To:; 'Bernie Windmiller'; Claude NEWBY;;; Dave Peterson; Don Breland; Jerry Autry; Lamar Hunt; Marvin Vickers
Subject: Racism and the President


Aw, come on, Jerry!  Racial?  When I listened to his "last" speech, I think, actually a news conference I was struck with how petulant the tone was, just poor me.  The reality that I see is that the country chose him, wanting to have a black president, for all (most of) the good reasons, and it hasn't worked out.  He is a great debater, but leading is a different task.  Is the country supposed to just do anything he asks because we don’t want to appear racist?  If he were white you would be all over his case.







-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 10:13 AM
To: Lamar Hunt
Cc: ; Bernie Windmiller; Claude NEWBY; ; ; Dave Peterson; Don Breland; Lamar Hunt; Marvin Vickers
Subject: Politics


Jackie and I went to lunch Sunday with some long time friends. Actually a woman who worked with Jackie. The husband is a South African who said something I thought was prophetic. He said that he had always thought the American system of governing was the best in the world but he's changed his mind. The American system is broken. I think so.


The Repubs in general in our system is "don't confuse me with facts, I have my mind made up." To be honest, I don't know what it is:  I actually feel badly for the President. What it appears to me is that not only does he have to contend with the recalcitrant, obstructionist Republicans who have only one goal, defeat the president and to hell with what is good for the country. And, besides that, his own party is giving him tepid support. You can't hear a news report that you don't hear some negative something about issues of leadership, etc. The other night on the PBS Newshour, Mitt Romney who is dry as shucks and will say anything to get the Republican nomination said the president has not communicated with the American people. The President is constantly trying to explain something and nobody seems to get that much of the American people don't care. 


I still personally think much of it is racial.


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