Thursday, August 11, 2011


Glad you are not spending your time on Fox News. I say what I have been saying about the deficit: bringing it down with a scalpel, not an ax. In our recent history, let us not forget Bill Clinton gave us a surplus. Our system is such and this isn't my thinking but mostly democrats and the Economist magazine: our system is unique, we can relieve suffering in the immediate term, i. e., jobs with federal programs while reducing the deficit. Taxing the rich is just part of it. Guys like Warren Bufettt say, do it.

I don't think for a minute that I can out argue or convince the 10 chaps. I listen to Brien Williams and Lester every night and they are my favorites, followed by the News Hour. And, hauling the Grandkids around, I listen to NPR lots. All the news outlets do what I hate and this is something I have said before and will continue to say: In attempting to be fair, they always let their guests do their spin without correction or hard questions. Consequently the facts get obscured and those Americans who care get confused. An example: guess who was a big culprit in the housing crisis, Standard and Poor in giving AAA ratings to those who were selling subprime mortgages. And, we should listen to them.


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