Saturday, December 17, 2011


PFC Manning is a soldier, bigtime stupid but not dumb. He doesn't need to be treated like some treasonest paragon. If I have been disappointed with the President in anything, it is in areas like this. I can't believe that in his heart he wants to take this heavy handed approach to this stupid young soldier. Manning is a PFC. Do you know what a PFC is? He is a f..king private: at the lowest rank of our military system. (E1-a recruit, E2-finished basic training-E3, breathing, sometimes given E3 based on civilian education and has to do with pay). I say again, as a soldier, he gets the PFC rank for breathing. Manning as a PFC (private first class) would be invisible. Comparatively speaking, in the civilian world, a mail room clerk in a giant corporation would be way above a PFC. Are you getting the picture here?   It is just the military system.  
The very idea that we would allow Manning or any "Private" access to important material is unfathomable. It is like a parent giving the car keys to a 12 year old. There is no way that he should have been able to see classified documents. Where the f..k is the "calling into account" those who put this temptation in his path.

Manning is a smart, twenty something, disgruntled, shown no respect, so? The military has spent lots of taxpayer money on his education. The issue in a real sense isn't Manning, it is a piss poor system that puts us in this position.

I haven't seen where the leaks have hurt. Cost lives? If that is the case, from the media, I haven't seen it. For instance, Afghanistan is so f..ked up, I don't see where anything we do or don't do makes a difference, surely not leaked documents. We don't even know who the f..k is on whose side.

Manning is a young, troubled soul obviously. A Private First Class in a military that hardly allows his existence, other than scut work. His work is probably listening for radio traffic, maybe seeing some block of info but most of the time he is cooling his heels. He is obviously unsupervised, much like the Americans who so screwed up at Abu Garib. The American military has a strict chain of command and with Manning, somebody was asleep at the wheel.

My suspicion is that by taking a heavy handed approach means that the President is listening to the military or other bureaucrats. Plain and simple, Manning should not have had assess to important documents. He is a Private.

Those at the top of the military are "rule followers" by in large who wouldn't know a creative approach to PFC Manning if it ran over them. An article 32 investigation is a joke. Sure he did it. The investigation will produce a court martial. Any military type who has been around will tell you about court martials: there is a common refrain: Bring the guilty bastard in. Give me a break!

The whole classified bullshit is also a joke. The military, when they don't want to do something says, "classified." This is time for the President to weigh in. Manning is a misguided, young twenty something who easily should be on Castro Street in San Francisco and not in the military--probably joined as it was about his only option. Based on his initial public appearance, it is going to be a circus: civil rights, 1st Amendment BS, all will make us look bad. Work out a deal: prison time which should be time served, give him a General discharge, which probably means nothing to Manning but the traditionalists would like it; fine him, announce you are assigning responsibility to those who should have been supervising him. The big thing is end it. Move on. Don't have a circus. Don't listen to those who want a heavy hand. Any parent with kids understand this. Let's treat him like we would any Private: kick his ass and move on!  Next Case.

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