Thursday, December 15, 2011


On Wednesday's NewsHour, Betty Ann Bowser profiled a new Army program called, "The Comprehensive Soldier Fitness" program. Get this, the Army gave this guy from the University Of PA a "no bid" contract of 32 mil to develop this program. When I saw it, I thought, you have got to be s..ting me. 

Think about this. The powers that be have "played" the soldier card. Who does not want to help soldiers but some hardened combat vet is not about to sit in some class and be told, "be positive, you will be OK." Bullshit. 

Its goal is to  boost the mental toughness of soldiers. Teaching them how to better communicate with loved ones, become more aware of their emotions and change the way they cope with emotional stress. Good goals and the Army BS hopes to reverse the number of troops suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and suicide. Bullshit, a "feel good" class ain't going to do it. 

This all sounds worthy until you grasp that we have/had programs like this out the "gazoo:" doctors, psychologists, chaplains, shrinks, social workers, etc who are already doing and running programs like this. And, it appears that the guy who sold this program to the Army has made liberal use of psychotherapist, Albert Ellis. Ellis theory of Rational Emotive Therapy was basically founded around the idea, "it's not what happens to you thats the problem but how you look at it." The more I think about this, the more it appears collusion stupidity might be involved. A "no bid" contract, no coordination with other Army programs and skeptics from other disciplines outside the military that are working on the same thing. With us focusing on the deficit where in California, for instance, we are doing away with school busses and the Army is pending 32 mil for our soldiers to feel good. F..kkkkkk

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