Friday, April 01, 2016


I must confess. I have completely turned around on "the Donald," known in some circles as Trump. It mostly happened last night at this charity event in Marine City, at one of the fine dining spots, "The Outback." (A fundraiser to help Marin City school kids on a trip to DC). 

Marin City is the "black eye" as the county of Marin is literally almost all "lilly white" with the exception of Marin City. Marin County is regularly, in various studies, touted as the richest county in America. There is a long history of Marin City that goes back to WW ll and ship building days. 

All that aside, I was walking in and there it was, something I thought I would never see in Marin: a Trump Bumper Sticker. It was a flash of light, like one of those near death experiences when reportedly, you see a bright light. It happened. Suddenly I realized that Trump was a Savior. That he, in insulting every ethnic group and proposing preposterous things, really was just joking. That he did not look down with disdain on the common man but had, in fact, in his own heart, embraced all mankind, even as he flew around the country in his big jet. The people who voted for him, understand this. It has been us recalcitrant non believers and would be truth seekers who have missed it. 

The bumper sticker made me aware of Trump's desire for the good of his fans and not selfish views. This extended to all "Repubs" who think of the good of the country first and not their own careers and personal gain. And, of course, "Hillary," who has signaled that she is ready to return the millions she and Bill have received from financial institutions. She is most in need of a "group hug." And, even Bernie, as a red bloodied self described Socialist, is ready to embrace Trump's wife mostly. 

When I departed the "Outback," the car with the bumper sticker was gone.  Was this merely an APRIL FOOL illusion? Or, maybe a cunning Ted Cruz sneaking around, slapping Trump bumper stickers on cars. Motive unknown. APRIL FOOL. 

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