Friday, April 22, 2016


In a recent segment on PBS about suicide, they interviewed the author of a recent study, detailing the increase. Nice person but no real insight, might as well been talking about the mysteries of Donald Trump's hair. 43,000 killed themselves last year. Sad. 

Imagine the pain if stretched out: parents, extended families, friends, on and on. All trying to make sense of the senseless. There are no real answers, especially with the high numbers of teenagers. Boys in particular. Dang! When a boy ought to be thinking about the wonders of the opposite sex, stressing about other stuff and takes his life. F..k!!!!!! 

What is it that would cause youngsters to do themselves in? Or, anybody for that matter. Terminal illness maybe, when a person comes at it from, "this is my life and I own it." A Mystery. 

Personally, in my experience, a person who takes this drastic step enters a period of "craziness." They momentarily go crazy. Unfortunately, during that period, if they are successful, there is no changing their minds. Carroll O'Connor (Archie Bunker) whose son killed himself had very poignant comments. Although in his case, the son was a druggie, O'Connor said something like, "Whatever it takes, get between your loved one and craziness." Pretty good advice. 

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