Saturday, November 29, 2014


Good and started off with an interesting encounter. LOL. We are going to start gathering at 1600/4PM. All is ready, my wife is the ultimate in hosts. She was "good to go" days ago. I am waiting for the 18 or so to gather. Here comes a woman in the door. I shake her hand. "Glad to see you." I've never see her before. She is attractive, tall, dressed like a good layered San Franciscan. "She is a native," she says. Her jacket is beautiful, western heavy leather with the tangles like you would imagine Gene Autry wearing. We chat and she offers me a candy filled with liquor. I accept and suddenly think, "who is this woman?" I have never seen her before. She doesn't say I am connected to anybody. Suddenly I think this woman just came off the streets. I shift into panic mode. 

What the hell. It is Thanksgiving. Maybe she just needs a place to go. I finally chance it. Who are you? She says, "I am Eileen's cousin." Eileen is a guest, along with the husband, two sons, a step-daughter--big Irish family; to include one of my favorites, Natasha, the step daughter. She is a psychologist and we've enjoyed sharing stories in the past. 

Mystery solved but just imagine the mileage, I will get out of this story. My daughter accuses me often of never letting the truth interfere with a good story. 

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