Monday, August 19, 2013


When 9-11 happened, I, like most Americans, could hardly believe it--from that day forward, everything changed for us and for anybody who has anything to do with us. 

Think about it: to a useless and ill conceived war to now wholesale spying on American citizens. And all done in the name of preventing terrorism. This is, as my mom would say, scandalous. The intelligence community has, in a sense, bit by bit taken chunks out of our  government. It is why someone like Snowden and to a slight degree Bradley Manning are whistleblowers and not traitors or treasonous, whatever term the government wants to put on it. Do any of us think that had they not done leaked, the NSA would have fessed up. If you believe that, you have been on the "weed" way to long.   Instead of seeking to blame the leakers for forcing us to own up, we should be hanging our heads as we have become complicit in things that totally go against the value system of us Americans who think and care. 

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