Thursday, March 07, 2013


Recently, I was trying to make sense of the mess we're in with these deep budget cuts, the so called sequester. I also tried to explain why the President's campaigning for pressure on Republicans was like "pissing in the wind." Over 200 plus Republicans are in safe Republican districts and they don't give a flying f..k what the President wants or what is good for the country. We have a broken system and we cannot fix it. Many of those, make that the majority of Americans, are involved in some way with the federal government. They are on Medicare, get their health coverage at VA, on Social Security, have government backed mortgages. The list is endless. However, these people bad mouth the government and rail against government spending. The list of their grievances is endless. They vote for a rep who mouths the things they want to hear. They don't make the connection that the sequester cuts will touch them.
Consequently, with attitudes like this, when they vote, they vote against their own interests. And, in my book, it makes them stupid.

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