Monday, January 11, 2016


Danged if I kmow. With Bowie's death, much has been made of him. I don't know his music or have paid scant attention over the years.  

But, yesterday at Starbucks,  this lady asked me what I considered a related question, "Do you think when someone is sick, they get more religious as they get sicker?" David Bowie for instance. He was sick, did he get religious before he "hit the road" as my buddies would say. I haven't heard any word that he did. 

In my view, I don't have any evidence that it happens with people who are sick. I can tell you this though in my experience, very much a related subject, at least to me. What can become significant is some sort of concept of heaven. Not everybody but a significant number of people I've met. They can be irreligious, have no faith, atheists, whatever. They live with the idea that there is something else. This is not the end. They find comfort in the fact that somehow in some mysterious way of which we are not sure, we will see the person again. 

Will David Bowie be up there, somewhere dressed in an outlandish way. I don't have a clue. My suspicion is that things like that won't matter. The idea of heaven, where it exist or not, is comforting. Will David Bowie be there. I think so. 

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