Monday, January 11, 2016


The movie, "Hateful 8." In Korea in 86, when anyone saw a bad movie. The comment, "2 hours off our DEROS." (date expected to rotate from overseas). 

It is not the worst movie I've ever seen but it's close (in my opinion, could have been a good movie). The story was OK but thick with themes of gratuitous violence, use of the "N" word constantly and other socially unacceptable language. "MF" repeated over and over. 

How Tarantino gets away with it is baffling to me. I would think his peers would be raising hell. Must be the money. 

The sound effects, scenery and authenticity of a "place" were good. But, if there was any redeeming value in the story or characters, Escaped me. Well yes, song at the end. "Many Won't Come Home." I bought it, thoughts of war. 

The one female, slapped around lots, never could figure that one out. Why? Jennifer Jason Leigh plays interesting roles. I saw her years ago in "Last Exit To Brooklyn" where she gets raped about 20 times, really. 

I've seen most of Terratino's movies. They all have a theme. In this movie all the characters were good actors but the hot button issues were really hard to take. Samuel Jackson's diatribes in turning the table but not to talk about injustice--a long diatribe about felatio. 

If you saw his movie, "Pulp Fiction," a little of the same technique. Have to wait till almost ending to grasp how it comes together. 

The movie is in bad taste, let's face it. There must be a reason there were few people in the movie with me. 

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