Sunday, December 30, 2012


Stormin General Norman Schwartzkopf stormed into? He served two tours in Vietnam (earning three Silver Stars, a Bronze Star, a Purple Heart and three Distinguished Service Medals) To any Vietnam combat vet, the first thing we say, no disrespect intended, how the f..k can a Lieutenant Colonel be awarded three silver stars. He was a battalion commander, not a grunt who should have been awarded medals and who usually got s..t. Know why? Nobody was looking after the grunt. Somebody was looking after Stormin Norman.

The first time I had ever heard of him was when he was contacted by the mother of one of his troops in Vietnam. The mother was someway like Pat Tillman's mom (Remember, he was an NFL player who gave up a promising career to become an Army Ranger and go to Afghanistan) whose son was killed by friendly fire probably but reported as hostile fire. I hate to be the military's advocate, as I am better suited in an adversarial role; but often the military at war tries to do the right thing. Most casualties are reported as hostile fire. Their thinking: (nobody admits this. In Vietnam we always said, hostile fire! )Parents and loved ones surely will feel better about their incalculable loss knowing they were killed in the line of battle. What parent or sweetheart would want to know their soldier died at the hands of fellow soldier. Negligence, dereliction of duty at war is a different thing but an accident is an accident. Hostile fire! Apparently the mother as related to Schwartzkopf was not satisfied. A reporter, I think, wrote a book about the soldier, Friendly Fire. I first read the article I think at the Command and General staff College. The article was not favorable to the military and shouted, "cover-up." An apocrypha story which I'm not sure is true but the mother took the money from her insurance and had tiny crosses placed all around the City Hall of Davenport, Iowa. (not sure) This single act is credited with lighting a fire under the anti war movement.

All that aside and as we say in NC, never speak ill of the dead. If so, Stormin Norman, sorry and God bless you on your journey..

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