Listening to the UN Ambassador being grilled by John McCain and Lindsay Graham reminds me of a North Carolina bootlegger claiming his moonshine is for medicinal purposes. BS. I had always liked John McCain but think that the AZ sun and all those right wing zealots have distorted his logic. We owe the old John McCain something, not the spoil sport since the 08 elections. And, I am being charitable here. He and Graham pontificate while they ought to feel shame for supporting our misguided and misadventures into Iraq and Afghanistan. Intelligence is smoke and mirrors at best. I rate it to a long ago incident in Nam wrapped around "Intell," dicey at best. Our Intell section had said there was a big enemy presence in the area. It was after the 68 TET Offensive when the NVA (North Vietnamese Army) had replaced the VC (Vietcong) as the primary fighting force. The Company Commander didn't believe Intell. They rarely got anything right. He sent a reinforced platoon on a scouting mission and they got attacked by about a battalion--close to a thousand men, against about 40+. By the time we could rescue them with gunships and F15s, 8 guys were dead and the rest wounded. The one time out of dozens that "Intell" got it right.
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