Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Movie review. SPOTLIGHT. Good movie, about the child abuse scandal in Boston. Movie showed all the difficulties of the "Boston Globe" in breaking the story, going against all the powers that be in the Catholic Church. The Priests, over 90, abused hundreds of kids. Usually they were poor kids from poor families who blindly believed. What amazed me is that the scandal has hardly dented the church. 

Michael Keaton's character was the catalyst. His best movie and still very appropo, "Clean and Sober."  Good movie about how a young up and coming business type got caught up in drugs. The movie opens with one of the most "grabbing" movie scenes I've seen. He and this girl are in bed and he is getting up and tries to awaken her but she has overdosed and is dead. 

Spotlight was good but didn't quite seize you like, The Big Short. 

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