Monday, December 07, 2015

PREZ'S Speech

I thought it was good. In a way, nothing new. I think, in a sense, it is like 9-11. We have to protect ourselves the best we can and go on with our lives. Not much choice. 

What is pretty scary to me now is Ted Cruz. He's cunning and the "Donald" will fade--too much of an idiot, even for the Repubs. 

I love the magazine, "The Economist." It is good to me because it is written by the Brits but much about America. No PC stuff. Here's a quote from them about the people who follow Trump, "middle aged or white or older, rather poorly educated and awed by a shoutee billionaire." 

Also, this is an original thought if there is such a thing. I think that the Pasadena shooters did the rampage on the "spur of the moment." One of the guys they killed, a coworker, was a Zionist/Jewish, a zealot. From the pictures of his wife and him, both rather large persons. The coworker was outspoken, maybe even bullied the shooter. Who knows, only speculation but doesn't make sense, based on the arsenal they had amassed, that something didn't happen to get them ahead of their plan. It could have been much bigger.  

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