Sunday, October 23, 2011


LEAVING IRAQ. Does this sound like the Second Act of a bad play? If the metaphor isn't a good one,  think up one on your own. Try this: leaving Vietnam after 55,000 dead with our tails between our legs. Leaving Iraq with 6000 or so dead, no telling how many civilians dead. Nothing to show for it. Vietnam based on stupidity, Gulf of Tonkin BS. Iraq, the elusive weapons of mass destruction. What on the f..k is wrong with us???


The very idea that I would read something by the inner circle of George W is far out. But, a memoir by Condi Rice (that I liked) maybe? I have always been stupefied why chose to  hang out with lowlifes,  i. e., Rumsfelt and Chaney.  She has written a book, hasn't everbody associated with Bush, "No Higher Honor." Sounds different. She talks about confrontations with Chaney and Rumsfeld. Chaney, in particular, comes across simply as a mean spirited asshole which I've said often. My bitch is that he has never been in the military but had no trouble sending other people's kids to die. He could have gone to Vietnam but in his words, "had other priorities." Sorry MFer. You would think that somebody whose heart was giving out would have some heart but not so. In his book and in my opinion, he logged in most of the pages justifying his erroneous beliefs. In terms of self disclosure, I didn't read either book but read lots of reviews and excerpts from each. Condi's appears to be more honest. I'm thinking that her survival skills among f..king neanderthals must be fabulous. What she has tried to do according to the prepublicity is explain the chaotic atmosphere surrounding 9-11. I have always said about George W.--no president has had to operate in a charged environment like 9-11. It was all "seat of the pants." George W mostly f..ked it up but still, it was something no president had been through before. I'll be back with a review or comments on "No Greater Calling."

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Yeah, I think racial. I don't think the ten chaps are so much racial as in denial. Because I talk to my brothers regularly, who are educated, successful. Three of them have this unbelievable hatred of the president. There is simply no explanation other than racism. Most southerners are chafing under the idea that they have a black man in the White House. When LBJ and group passed the cilvil rights bill and voting rights bill, he said the Democrats had lost the South for ten years. He was wrong, lost maybe forever. Well, when kids get to be adults, maybe as they've had integration, etc. 

If I were a Republican, I would be ashamed that the party put self interest ahead of country. One goal, defeat Obama. If you do that, what have you gained? No jobs bill, etc. With 9 million out of work, let republicans offer something themselves. Democrats unlike the obstructionists, they would pass something. I am a Democrat but rather more of an Independent. I put the good of the country as paramount. I think because of the Republicans in Congress, our system is broken and this should concern us all. 


Yeah, I think racial. I don't think the ten chaps are so much racial as in denial. Because I talk to my brothers regularly, who are educated, successful. Three of them have this unbelievable hatred of the president. There is simply no explanation other than racism. Most southerners are chafing under the idea that they have a black man in the White House. When LBJ and group passed the cilvil rights bill and voting rights bill, he said the Democrats had lost the South for ten years. He was wrong, lost maybe forever. Well, when kids get to be adults, maybe as they've had integration, etc. 

If I were a Republican, I would be ashamed that the party put self interest ahead of country. One goal, defeat Obama. If you do that, what have you gained? No jobs bill, etc. With 9 million out of work, let republicans offer something themselves. Democrats unlike the obstructionists, they would pass something. I am a Democrat but rather more of an Independent. I put the good of the country as paramount. I think because of the Republicans in Congress, our system is broken and this should concern us all. 


On Oct 12, 2011, at 12:52 PM, "Marvin Vickers" wrote:

A great debater?  Lamar you are too kind.  He cannot stay on point long enough to argue a point with him.  He is too busy blaming everyone but himself. Racial!  Wow this is the catch all for the catch all.  If you don’t agree with him or you argue a point with him then you  are Racial.   That basket if too full.  Or as one of my favorites says,  “The dog want hunt anymore.”  Oh, the “favorite is black, maybe I should quote someone else so it want sound racial. Marv


From: Lamar Hunt []
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 3:07 PM
To:; 'Bernie Windmiller'; Claude NEWBY;;; Dave Peterson; Don Breland; Jerry Autry; Lamar Hunt; Marvin Vickers
Subject: Racism and the President


Aw, come on, Jerry!  Racial?  When I listened to his "last" speech, I think, actually a news conference I was struck with how petulant the tone was, just poor me.  The reality that I see is that the country chose him, wanting to have a black president, for all (most of) the good reasons, and it hasn't worked out.  He is a great debater, but leading is a different task.  Is the country supposed to just do anything he asks because we don’t want to appear racist?  If he were white you would be all over his case.







-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, October 11, 2011 10:13 AM
To: Lamar Hunt
Cc: ; Bernie Windmiller; Claude NEWBY; ; ; Dave Peterson; Don Breland; Lamar Hunt; Marvin Vickers
Subject: Politics


Jackie and I went to lunch Sunday with some long time friends. Actually a woman who worked with Jackie. The husband is a South African who said something I thought was prophetic. He said that he had always thought the American system of governing was the best in the world but he's changed his mind. The American system is broken. I think so.


The Repubs in general in our system is "don't confuse me with facts, I have my mind made up." To be honest, I don't know what it is:  I actually feel badly for the President. What it appears to me is that not only does he have to contend with the recalcitrant, obstructionist Republicans who have only one goal, defeat the president and to hell with what is good for the country. And, besides that, his own party is giving him tepid support. You can't hear a news report that you don't hear some negative something about issues of leadership, etc. The other night on the PBS Newshour, Mitt Romney who is dry as shucks and will say anything to get the Republican nomination said the president has not communicated with the American people. The President is constantly trying to explain something and nobody seems to get that much of the American people don't care. 


I still personally think much of it is racial.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Hatred of the President

Bernie, we will never agree but the short answer that it is politics, even with democrats. Plus, and I would never expect the 10 chaps to buy this but the Democrats want to keep lots of social programs where the Repubs mainly operate with the old saw, "of my father's children, I love myself the best. If the Lord provides for me, the devil take the rest." There are plenty of places to cut the deficit, waste is everywhere. 

I think Obama is too smart to be president. He is an ENTJ on the Myers Briggs and he loves to negotiate, get ideas. In many ways he has followed many of George W'
 issues on terrorism, etc. 

I do think he's vulnerable because most of the American electorate is stupid. Many of the Hispanics and blacks and even the poor who helped put himself into office and are disenchanted will probably not vote and consequently vote by not voting and go against their own interests. 

Plus, one thing that the President has failed to do is constantly remind Americans who care and not all do, is that he inherited the worst economy since the great depression. Bush still had 18 months to go with the first bailout. And, two wars, let us not forget. And the stupidity of many saying that he has had 3 years to work it out is imbesilic at best. Those like Lamar refuse to believe it is rasist but the intense hatred toward Obama leaves no other explanation.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Herman Cain For President

Herman Cain for president! Talk about a guy that you need to ask, "what have you been smoking?" Cain is one. The racist Republicans would nominate a black man for president? You have got to be s..ting me. I like Cain but he's got to be smarter than that. He's funny, to the point and I especially like his 999 plan. But, he has about as much chance of getting the nomination as a snowball in hell. Think about it: the Republican Party, mostly white men, right wing Christian fundamentalists whose take on the Christian Bible is the worst sort of distortion; southern bigots whose IQs top off in the mid double digits.  And, as a "party" have dedicated themselves to defeating the President at the expense of the country. Give me a break. Mitch McConnell from KY should be the nominee: sullen, hateful, an overall a'hole! Please!

Well, Cain, won the Florida straw poll, whatever the hell that is. Florida, the state that put George W in the White House. They sure as hell ought to be proud of that! Here's what I think. Cain is like a general in the army. He begins to believe the press or the "yes men" around him. The reality, Herman, order a pepparoni pizza and drink a six pack and call it a night.

Southern Baptists and the LDS Church

When I was a seminary student, I use to listen to Dr  Criswell of the First Baptist Church in Dallas  I was a farm boy "called," as we said in those days, to the ministry.  Our world was very narrow and simple.  Dr Criswell (every preacher of a big church is a "Dr" of something) had a megachurch before we knew what a megachurch was. His only real rival in Southern Baptists' circles, in those days was Robert G Lee who also had a megachurch, can't remember where.  Dr Lee preached a firery brand of Christianity and his famous sermon was "Payday Someday,"  a very fundamentalist view of hell.  "You were a sinner hanging over the fires of hell by a string. If you dod't repent and give your life to Jesus, 'your ass is grass.' "  I would get fired up.  The big difference in then and now is politics. It is very hard to really equate the differences. During Dr Criswell and Lee's time, they didn't have all the media. Now, most of these preaches are media stars with egos as big as the outdoors. They are about as far removed from what Jesis taught and how He lived as they can possibly be. By in large, they are f..king hypocrites. An example, Robert Jeffress, the senior pastor at First Baptist Church in Dallas ( Dr Criswell's old church) was introducing Rick  Perry as "a committed follower of Christ." Perry thanked him, and said Jeffress had "hit it out of the park." Afterwards, Jeffress told reporters that Perry's rival for the Repub presidential nomination, Mitt Romney, was "not a Christian" and that Mormonism is a "cult." Now, does he really believe that bullshit. Probably not. He's trying to continue to take care of his ego needs by being controversial. My view anyway. What is it about Mormonism that sparks such concern among evangelical Christians, a critical bloc of voters in the Republican party.  Mormons rely on the Book of Mormon as a text and give it equal weight with the Bible. So do the Catholics rely on Canon Law as they call it. Why don't Jeffress and his crowd nail their ass. Both Catholics and Mormons  deviate from the Jesus Christ who is portrayed in the Bible. I think that the Mormons (LDS, Latter Day Saints) are an easy target and it is all politics anyway. The people who are going to pay those like Jeffress any attention anyway are the crowd he already has. So, he's preaching to the choir but my opinion which no one gives a s..t about,"pastor J, f..k you very much." 

Saturday, October 08, 2011


This is Fleet Week in San Francisco. This cracks me up every year. First of all, there's no Navy around anywhere, plus San Fran has traditionally been hostile to the military. Ask any Vietnam vet and he or she has a war story. One of my buddies tells the story of a fellow vet crossing the street and this hippy looking type, long hair, a bath in the last millinium comes up beside him and says looking at the hook where the hand had been. "What happened to your arm, man?"
"Got it blown off in Vietnam."
"Serves you right." He should have killed the MFer and left him bleeding in the street.

This speaks to a new survey by the Pew Research folk where they surveyed over 4000 vets and determined that vets had a greater sense of patriotism than the public at large. DUD!

The American public at large doesn't give a f..k about those serving. This is more pholosophical than real and may sound harsh but based on the fact that you have a half of one percent of eligible Americans who serve, what conclusion can be drawn.

We're in two "sorry" wars, just as Vietnam was: soldiers just did their duty and years later, we wrestled with what it all meant. At least now, on an overt level, Americans give lip service, support the troops bumper stickers, recognition at sporting events. So...let's accept. God bless the troops!


I am getting f..king tired of listening to all this bullshit of bashing the President  by the nonthinking Repubs. And, I might add, I've been tired of the rhetoric for some time. It is "don't confuse me with facts, I have my mind made up." I actually feel badly for the President and have for some time. What it appears to me is that not only does he have to contend with the recalcitrant, obstructionist Republicans who have only one goal, "defeat the president and to hell with what is good for the country." And, besides that, his own party is giving him tepid support. You can't listen to a news report that you don't hear some negative something about issues of leadership, etc. Last night on the PBS Newshour, Mitt Romney who is dry as shucks and will say anything to get the Republican nomination said the president has not communicated with the American people. The President is constantly trying to explain something and nobody seems to "get" that much of the American people don't give a rat's behind. But, I'm telling you right now, "the Democrats better wake their ass up. The Republican base is mostly ignorant/stupid, and will constantly vote against their own interests. As a Democrat, you don't like the president, so what do you want, Bachman, Cain, Perry, Romnie. Wake up and smell the roses. Think Alabama. They haven't had an original thought since they join the Union.