Friday, March 19, 2010


When Danny finished high school and left for the army, we were still paddling pirouges in the bayou. Danny and I helped my daddy make a living, fishing, hunting and trapping. We were poor and didn't even know it. We all knew how to work hard.
My life paths has took me to places I didn't know I would ever be at. I went to work for the Desoto Parish Tax Assessor about 26 years ago. When he retired, I was elected, and have never had an opponent since. The Lord has richly blessed me.
Retirement is coming up in the next year or so.

About 3-4 years ago, I started trying to find out what happened to Danny. It probably took that long before I could even talk about it. Until then, all I knew was that he was in the 101st airborne. Didn't know what unit he was in. I have found several men that did remember Danny. One of them was injured the same day, with AK47 fire to his shoulder that left him permanently disabled.
Brother, Steven

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