Saturday, January 19, 2008


Subject: Help to stop an endless occupation in Iraq

Hi, Have you seen the news? President Bush is negotiating a deal with Iraq to keep our troops there indefinitely--it could include permanent bases and a massive military presence for years! Bush is trying to tie the hands of the next president.

Congress can stop him from setting up permanent bases in Iraq and block an indefinite occupation--but they need to hear a groundswell of pressure from us immediately and loudly so they act on this quickly.

I just signed a petition demanding that Congress stop the president from committing to a massive military presence in Iraq for decades. Can you join me?

The President and all surrounding him are amazing to me. And, on Iraq, how quickly we forget but sometimes I think that I am the only one in America who thinks this. It is crazy. A guy like John McCain says we will stay in Iraq a hundred years if need be. And, this guy stands a good chance of being the President. I wouldn't have thought so but with Barack or Hillary being the Democrat's nominee, it is a crap shoot. So many people hate Hillary and the country will not vote for a black man, according to my brother. And, he may be right.

I've just returned from the South to see my wife's Dad who is ill and my four brothers. After a week, I am simply overwhelmed with the mentality of the people. And, from my perspective, this may sound like an indictment, it is not. Americans can believe and do what they want. This is what America is about but to endorse the war with an idea that somehow we've done this great thing is flummoxing to say the least.

Iraq has departed center stage and that alone is inexcusable. And, in my view, what has happened in Iraq is that the violence is down or we think it is down and most think that we are "winning" the war. Please! What has happened is that we have begun the counterinsurgency approach to the war and bought off the Sunni warlords--it is only working inasmuch as they are no longer killing us. But, to continue this will mean that we will have to stay in Iraq forever. And, to me, this is very upsetting.

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