Thursday, June 04, 2015


What do you think about the "trannies? The Bruce Jenners? Very confusing to me and the way the media plays it up, especially. Here is someone born a female, wants to be a man. Or, the other way around. What the f..K. LOL. I guess my feeling is, "people can be what they want." After all, this is "Merica."


I think more about the people in backwards towns not being given the same support and love. Bruce Jenner has resources and lots of them to make himself/herself the person he so wants to be. I think his courage is in direct alignment with his $$. In other words he /she would not be out in the open with out $$. That to me makes him a coward.Will Caitlyn set up a foundation to help others that don't have the $$$ that are flat broke and have no place to turn?

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