Tuesday, May 26, 2015


YRecently a friend visited Berlin. He had this to say, "The effects of immigration are very obvious. It is easier to find Thai or Indian or Turkish  Muslim restaurants, etc, than it is a German ones. The Indian restaurant, just across the street from the former American Army hospital, featured Indian food with Switzerland on the side; and, a rare authentic German restaurant was owned and operated by Russians. When we expressed a desire for a bockworst or Bratwurst, we were taken to a street stand reputed to be the best in the city; they knew it was upgraded by Asian Indians and heavy on curry and light on German mustard; not what we were looking for. Our final meal eating out was in an “authentic” German facility located in the former East Berlin and beneath active elevated train/bahn tracks. 

The natives seemed concerned but not alarmed about the approach of the day or generation when they may become the minority in their own city (Berlin).

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