Monday, January 26, 2015

Wrong on Iraq

On the Michael Krasny show, a local talk show, the interviewee was Dan Savage who has made his rep in talking about sex/relationships, etc. , a favorite subject, obviously. I enjoyed listening as no topic seemed to be "off the table." Savage reminds me of a young Albert Ellis, former teacher and father of REBT (Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy). Ellis was so glib, smart, rational that it was often sickening almost. I remember asking Ellis once, an avowed atheist, did he believe in God. He said, "no one has ever proven there is a God. But, then, no one has ever proven there isn't." Savage has that ability to turn something on its head. 

The one question that got me and the answer too was about as good as I've ever heard. Krasny, I think, asked him a political, foreign policy question. His answer, something like this. "I cannot answer that. I got it wrong on Iraq. After 9-11, many of us (he named a laundry list of public figures, most notably Hillary Clinton, who like himself, were convinced that Iraq was involved in 9-11.) Therefore, he cannot render a judgement or speak on any of the current foreign policy issues because he was so grievously wrong about Iraq. He has lost the right to render an opinion. GREAT ANSWER. 

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