Saturday, October 26, 2013


The GFs ((Girlfriends--old guys I have breakfast with three times a week) gave me hell this week. The rollout of the President's health care package has been a disaster. The website could have been put together by two seventh graders. I apologize to the 7th graders, as tech savvy as most of these kids are, they could have done a better job. 

There really is no way to defend the president. He is the leader and has to take the hit. He should have put the NSA in charge, at least they could have listened to a few thousand calls and pretended it was "National Security" and the website was "top secret." Such bullshit.  

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator personality instrument pegs the prez, as an ENTJ (Extrovert, iNtuitive, Thinker, Judging). Same as my wife who could run the world. The President, based on his personality, has been a little too reticent to fire people. His management style, "give them a job and expect them to do it." Hasn't worked. 

We have to give the Affordable Care Act some time. There are problems with the "law" that are outside the mere website. The website is mechanics. It will get fixed but there are other problems--I heard this young girl with Kaiser who now had to give up insurance that she liked and go to another something, more expensive. Bullshit. These problems have got to get fixed. 

And sure as shit, we can't allow drug companies and pharmaceuticals in general to have anything to say. Their middle name is gouge the consumer. There are examples everywhere of how f..k up our system of healthcare is and it doesn't have anything to do with "Obamacare." Over the last couple of years, we have seen investigative report after report that shows how out of control, $3000 a night for a hospital room, etc--bullshit to the max. But, they are still gouging. Why? Because they can. They will exploit any loophole to sabotage reform. MFers.  

In terms of placating the Republicans. Forget it. Can't be done. The president is the smartest president I've known but when you have to deal with basic racism, he could be "Jesus walking on water" and he could't please these MFers. So, what to do? Forget pleasing, translated, politics. But, Mr. President, it is time for another strategy. The AHSO defense. Here it is. 

Captain Ahso was the pilot of a Japanese Airliner who landed his plane in the San Francisco Bay. His landing was so smooth that the passengers didn't even realize it until they saw sailboats. When all the furor died down, the FAA had a hearing and Captain Ahso was the first witness. The interrogator said something like, "Captain Ahso tell us what happened. With all the sophisticated navigation equipment available to you, plus a clear beautiful day, and you managed still to land five miles out in the San Francisco Bay? What happened?" The courtroom was quiet, all eyes were on Captain Ahso. Finally he said, "CAPTAIN AHSO FUCK UP!" There you have it. Let's quit justifying, blaming, let's take the AHSO Defense and move on. 

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