Monday, October 07, 2013


A MYSTERY. I am listening to Bob Scheffer interview some Republican Senator on "Face The Nation." Scheffer asked him a direct question. Something like this: "how is it that you have let a freshman Senator, somebody who has been in the senate less than a year, set the political agenda for the entire Republican Party?" 

Here is how he answered: "The President needs to come to the negotiating table and talk to us." The MFer did not even attempt to answer Scheffer's question. We all know the Congressional mantra: When talking to the media, "never answer the question asked, answer the question you wished they had asked." Congressmen/women actually go to a type of "charm" school to learn this technique. Here's the mystery to me: why does someone like Scheffer let them off the hook? Scheffer, more than most, has nothing to prove He is a veteran Newsman and an old guy, why can't he come back and say, "Senator, you didnot answer the question: repeat the question if necessary (Why would you let some asshole like Ted Cruz set your agenda). Granted, he doesn't have to be as crude as me (although it would be more honest) but any way you cut it, it is disingenuous to the listening public not to get a straight answer.  

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