Friday, February 15, 2013


Let's face it. If you like the Prez, he did great. If you don't, not much slack. NPR did an analysis on every word, phrase, any sort of BS. I heard the speech. I didn't hear any of the same they heard. SO.... Sometimes I think we get too much info. America has lots to face. We will do it. Politics is pretty poor to get us past our challenges. Our system is broken and can't be fixed. We refuse to admiit it. An example: Congressmen like Boehner could care less, knowing that he can be anyway he wants without voter repercussion. He is very disrespectful I think toward the President. Nobody seems to call him on it. Just my view. I think it is a constant fight and it's not going away. How to handle it? More sex. Airborne.

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