Thursday, September 13, 2012


Does it make any difference what religion a person is. I don't know. It is so incredibly definitional in America. Christianity is what Americans as a rule mean when they say religion. I always think in terms of something being moral or immoral. Or ethical or unethical. This isn't religion 101 but it is a legitimate question. An example. The Supreme Court is made up of 3 Jews and 6r Catholics. Even Clarence Thomas, black, who has ever heard of that many black Catholics. Does it make any difference. Yes and no. Let's say they are deciding on a woman's right to choose. i. e., abortion and their church strongly is against abortion which they are (hell, the Catholic hierarchy doesn't even want them using birth control). In the example, the court decides against abortion. Was it their belief, the church's belief? Were they influenced by their church? How would we know? We wouldn't. It is a thorny issue. What about Mitt Romney's Mormonism. Or, the polite term, Latter Day Saints. Joe Paterno had his statue unceremonious taken down at Penn State for a perceived or real sin for putting his football program ahead of protecting children. Brigham Young still has his statue at the Mormpn Temple in Salt Lake City. Young described black people as cursed with dark skin as punishment of Cain's murder of his brother. Mormonism through the book of Mormon suggests an alternate universe even going so far that blacks supported the fallen angel Lucifer in his rebellion against God.

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