Sunday, February 12, 2012


WHO THE F..K are these people? I can't help but think, who are they?. When Romney, Gingrich, Paul, Santorum speak and the people applaud, my first thought: who the f..k are these people taking in this stuff? I guess they are fellow Americans but it sure as hell doesn't make me feel any better. People whose narrow views are simply products of non thinking or bigotry or racism. Politicians, especially this Republican crowd, they'll do or say anything. They are drunk with idiocy. But, the audiences, what is it that they go for these narrow, extreme views. Bias myself? Absolutely. I hate that fellow Americans are this stupid and it is hard for an "Independent" like me to find empathy. In NC, we have a view: "you can say most anything about someone if at the end of the pronouncement you say, 'bless their hearts.' " What the hell, at least the Republican candidates, as they are bad mouthing the Prrsident, ought to say, bless his heart." They, the Repub wannabes, if they threw the "bless his heart" in occasionally would make them appear less nasty. If I were a Republican, I would be ashamed that Sarah Palin, was more or less a spokes  person for my party. She continues to command wide audiences. Don't you know that she's on her knees daily, thanking John McCain who is into the stupid and angry mode and wants to bomb most foreign counties, for picking her as his running mate. As my Dad use to say, "might as well laugh as cry."

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