The Prez needs to take a page out of the Susan B Komen Foundation's recent book. They f..ked up. Taking back a grant from Planned Parenthood. They realized it immediately as the backlash was a hurricane. They "got it" and restored the grant, said "Sorry, we f..ked this up." They will not get back to where they were but at least they tried. The Prez or Sec of Health and Welfare, have ticked off most of the Catholic population or so it seems. Hard to say. I heard these two "talking heads" on "The News Hour." You would have thought that the mention of condoms was cataclysmic to the Catholics. Who knows (granted, I don't have all my facts together). It is politics and the Prez and cohorts would probably have been better to appease them. But, let's face it, the Catholics want to keep people buried in that bullshit of no birth control. For whatever reasons, maybe to create new believers to brainwash. Damned if I know. But, look at the poorest nations of the world, Catholic. Having babies right and left. An example that I see often: I'm stopped at a light in San Francisco: a young hispanic girl crosses in front of me, she is pg, has about a six year old by the hand, has a small baby on her chest, pushing a baby carriage with what looked like twins: count them, five kids. Want to bet? Catholic. A mystery to me. Even after the child abuse scandals, the Catholics seem to be stronger than ever. I am a Christian, a Bible thumper (meaning that I believe, even with all the mysteries, there is no need for anything outside the Bible as relates to the faith). I don't go for canon law, all that bullshit outside the basic Bible. Priest forgiving sins. That sort of thing but still, why offend if you can figure a way out of it. What is that saying: if you discover you are digging yourself into a hole, quit digging!!!
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