Saturday, May 07, 2011

Beast in the Heart of Every Fighting Man

The article, "Beast In the Heart of Every Soldier," is one of the most disturbing I've read about the war in Afghanistan. While we are beating our chests about killing Bin Laden, we are losing the very souls of many of our young soldiers in Afghanistan. While the idea of The Beast Within is good psychobabble, passing off the killing of innocent civilians, to rogue soldiers is equally an easy way out. We may not have “collective guilt” but it does not mean we shouldn't. Every American bears
when our soldiers lose their way. We've put them at war and bought into a theory that is impossible for young, emotionally unsophisticated Americans to implement. Unconventional warfare is "pie in the sky." To be successful, unconventional warfare would take ten more years and only older, more experienced soldiers in the best environment could make it work. And, the generals know this but keep leading us along a path they know is impossible. And, if the article, Beast in the Heart of every soldier doesn’t convinced thoughtful Americans that “supporting the troops” is more than slapping a bumper sticker on your car. It is demanding that we exit a war without end.

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