Sunday, September 05, 2010

If we can't have a victory parade, we at least ought to be able to draw some definitive conclusions. And, it just doesn't seem that we are going to do so. We want to just move on, sadly.

Andrew Bacevich, who lost a son in Iraq and has authored a book, Washington Rules: America's Path To Permanent War

Where are these people? What Country are they in? This fascinates me. Government officials, to even include, on occasion, the military, when they talk about our wars, etc, I think "what galaxy are these people in." Terrorists have blown up half of Baghdad, figuratively speaking and the government spokesperson says something like, "We have secured the country, given the Iraqis democracy, life is good here, God is in his heavens and all is right with the world. But, the lights are out, about four hours of electricity a day, generally living conditions spotty at best. I would hate to do a big time survey of Iraqis and asked, "Would you like to have Saddam back?"

We really haven't left Iraq: 50,000 American soldiers still present for duty. Mission accomplished? The military has done its job but Mission Accomplished? We've been here before. Hmmmm!!!!!

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