Thursday, September 09, 2010


Immo, I don't know if anybody has told you lately but this is America which means that anybody can be stupid and a certifiable nut if they choose. Any American can get on the rooftops and call the prez or anybody most anything and if they don't threaten, no sweat. Everyday in this City I see nutsos of various sorts. They would be happy to burn a Koran if they knew what it was. Every time some nut decides to anger the Muslims, we are suppose to lock them up. Bullshit, they didn't like the cartoons, they rioted. Then this radical Muslim killed Theo Van Gogh because his movie bad mouthed Mohammed. What is next? And, the idea that some unhinged preacher in Forida with 50 members of a church can spark this outcry should make us all take notice. Are these people like Petraeus, Gates, the Canadians. Even Sarah Palin, what have they been smoking? What and who is next. It might be you because you say some pretty outrageous things which border on bad mouthing America but thus far you have stayed clear of the Muslims which is pretty smart as they would be after your ass. This is crazy.

moi, bad mouthing america? where and when? not in my last email. i know that this is america where everyone can say pretty much what they want. i did not say that the lunatic should be stopped. i just remarked on the fact that nobody from the teaparty seems to be upset about it or taking a stand about it, much less calling the preacher unamerican. no, that sort of name-calling they reserve for others.
also, i am not defending radical muslims or radical anythings, just the opposite.
finally, your last sentence, this is fucking crazy, seems to have no target. what is crazy?
please clarify

There is a big differece between burning some books beCuase you find them "ungodly" and murdering people because they do not agree with you.
Radical muslims are NOT the same as us. They do NOT countenance dissent. They do NOT believe in free speech. And if you turn the other cheek they will break your jaw. They believe thet the penalty of apostasy is death. The penalty of insulting the prophet is death. The penalty for adultery is death (oh..only if you are a woman). For these reasons we should NOT treat radical muslims (if we know they are radical muslims) the same as us. We should NOT assume that thay have the same values and are just misunderstood. Worst of all we should not allow double standards to prevail and freely allow any insult to the Christian religion while suppressing the same behavior directed at Islam. This is pure hypocrisy. At some point we have to stand up for what we believe in and not be ashamed of being a Christian-based nation with judeo-Christian ethics - or more importantly New Testament ethics. We should not be ashamed or afraid of wanting to keep our society the way it is and wanting to live in a society that we understand with people who think the same way. I am sick to death of moral relativism. At some point you have to grow a pair of balls and stand up for your own people, your own society and your own values.

I have seen what happens when you do not stick up for your values - even in this wonderfully even tempered country of England. There is a difference between tolerance and total capitulation to another culture - a culture that does not have your welfare at heart, but wishes to destroy it. Yes. destroy it. Sharia is not our law, neither is Leviticus. The old world - the books of Abraham etc - these are not the basis of the world we have created and that we want to live in. The New Testamant laid down the principles for a world where compassion tempered the rod of absolute power and the merciless application of religious law. If we do not stand up for these principles we could end up, by default, with a system of governments and laws that very few prople in the Western world would be happy with.

And it starts with little things. Here is a very small exmaple - hallal meals all round (and do you know how 'hallal' animals are killed?...) :

New Testament Christianity may be a flawed system but it is better than islam. So if it's them and us - then I vote for us!

Immo, I don't know if anybody has told you lately but this is America which means that anybody can be stupid and a certifiable nut if they choose. Any American can get on the rooftops and call the prez or anybody most anything and if they don't threaten, no sweat. Everyday in this City I see nutsos of various sorts. They would be happy to burn a Koran if they knew what it was. Every time some nut decides to anger the Muslims, we are suppose to lock them up. Bullshit, they didn't like the cartoons, they rioted. Then this radical Muslim killed Theo Van Gogh because his movie bad mouthed Mohammed. What is next? And, the idea that some unhinged preacher in Fl with 50 members of a church can spark this outcry should make us all take notice. Are these people like Petraeus, Gates, the Canadians. Even Sarah Palin, what have they been smoking? What and who is next. It might be you because you say some pretty outrageous things which border on bad mouthing America but thus far you have stayed clear of the Muslims which is pretty smart as they would be after your ass. This is crazy.

Sent from my iPhone

I'll be with you. Do we have to go to Pats'? Why not Mama's? Besides, aren't there Chinese cooks at Pats? Why not La Rocca's Corner? We could just drink shots for breakfast and talk about what a German/Floridian Nut is going to do and why is the Media giving Nuts so much prime time. There in lies the problem: nut threatens outrageous act; semi-nuts express outrage; wider community whines and whines that it is offensive to (fill in blank); Generals, Presidents, etc. take the bait and comment. We live in the theater of the absurd. Do you think the EYETALIANS give a rusty fuck about Islam and Ben Laden? I doubt it.

Since you guys are already up, why not join me at 0645 at the firehouse on Stockton to commemorate those lost on Sat, 9-11. After breakfast on me at my favorite place, Pat's on Powell.

If any takers, will send directions. You can sleep when you are dead. Gary, Ray and I did it at his old firehouse one year. We could hardly meet the minimal requirements: where two or three are gathered together in my name. {{{LP}}}

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