Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I think Hillary ought to concede. Although I've been a supporter as I think we need a woman; however, her downfall has been other women--(IN MY OWN FAMILY)--they don't like her and Barack's support seems to reinforce the idea that his candidacy is more a movement than one person, i. e., the big crowds.

To be honest, it has been a mystery and so I think, "Hillary, give it up." Plus, I will admit, I always saw "Bill" as an asset. My rational mind tells me that he would be part of a Hillary presidency. And, is that all bad? When he was president, I was never a big Bill fan but objectively which I always like to be: Bill left us with a gigantic surplus and no war. We now have two wars and the biggest deficit in history that we will be living with for years in ways that none of us can even know now; if that doesn't make any difference to people, then they should vote for John McCain who says we'll stay in Iraq for a 100 years if need be. I really am an Independent and always vote for the person but honestly feel that the Democrats need a landslide to turn the country around. Obama may simply be the catalyst.

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