Wednesday, February 20, 2008


It looks to me like Barack is going in and I think I agree with what the NY Times said Sunday: Barack has become a movement. I could vote for him, not my first choice but will have to say that it appears that he's brought all kinds of people to him that ordinarily might not vote.

And, of course, he will never sway those like my brother who is in that right wing category but just the way it is. Not much to be said about it. I can live with it and hope most Democrats can. One side of me says that he has been crowned by the media and so this is it. But, then I'm not so sure. I like what he says; ideas of change, and I don't think any of us can deny that he has bridged the racial thing. At first I thought, "wow, this is racial in itself, 82% of blacks voting for him" and yet, in those places where that has been the case, you have all these others voting. And, I think I can understand. If I were a black and saw a guy like Barack: articulate, smart, standing a chance to be president, let's do it. And, I think that it says tons for our country that here we have a black and a woman who stand a good chance of being president.

What I truly hope for is that we don't get to the convention and it not be settled: to really change this country, we need a Democratic landslide and if we don't get it, who knows what might happen. The thoughts of electing another Republican is onerous to me.

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