Saturday, April 18, 2015


Recently, a really good friend's son was joining the State Dept. My friend is my hero: Marine in Vietnam, highly decorated; Silver Star, wounded severely. After healing and returned to combat, he led a 30 man sniper unit. A real "American Sniper," sans Hollywood. He sent this, "Sec. State Kerry will give the swearing in oath in a few minutes."

My response to him. 

"Wow, wish you had a chance to talk to him. He is still chafing over the "Swift Boat Vets," I think. They were "used" by the lying, cheating Republican MFers. And, now they realize it. I voted for Kerry. Could you imagine where we might be had Kerry been elected president.  I don't particular like him. "Demonstrating against the war when soldiers were still fighting,  makes him at worst, stupid and at best, misguided  in my mind but let's move on. Airborne. Sempi FI. 

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