Thursday, November 15, 2012

The troops call him Saint Petraeus. He f..ked up. Thinking with as we say, the "wrong head". I have to confess I have never  liked Petraeus. It wasn't anything personal. As a rule, I don't like generals. By the time they get to be general, they are so political that they are about worthless in terms of objectivity. And, since our leadership has no military experience, these generals lead them around like f..king sheep. The generals give what I called the "Home Before Christmas" reports--That was Westmoreland and Nixon in Vietnam. "Home Before Christmas" was bullshit as the Vietnam war went on five years more and thousands of American soldiers lives were lost because of those rosy views. MFers.  The American people who give a shit trusted Petraeus. Oh well...he moved to the CIA. As an aside, I always saw that as an escape. Petraeus knew we couldn't come out with a win in Afghanistan. He had sold the counter insurgency theory: Win the hearts and minds of the people. It can't be done. And, if it had any chance, it would take years. 10-20. Forget it. We are not staying in Afghanistan. Petraeus got the hell out. Escape to the CIA. He has literally f..ked up. Now, to defend Petraeus. He's human, seduced by some female. Thinking with the wrong "Head." I hate it that he was that stupid. I will give him this. Admit, fall on your sword and move on. The only one who could survive; "the Bill" as in Bill Clinton. What is absolutely a phenomena to me is that in the modern world for someone like Petraeus to think he could do this and not be discovered. Damn crazy. That aside, philosophically, what the f..k. The guy was stupid and it sounds like, seduced. It was a point in time where he had a shot at being above it. He failed. He is human. Next case. 

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