Saturday, October 06, 2012


What exactly was in the film? Who made it? What were their motives? Was Muhammad really depicted? Was that a Qur’an burning, or some other book? Questions of this kind are obscene. Here is where the line must be drawn and defended without apology: We are free to burn the Qur’an or any other book, and to criticize Muhammad or any other human being. Let no one forget it. Sam Harris  Clyde, this is a very good article. Thanks for sharing it. I think this guy defies labels, I have read him before on something, maybe an article in Esquire.  To make a point, he is even harder on Mormans than I would be. The one flaw in his thinking as I see it is simple: nobody knows really what to do about the Middle East. Do we think a harder line will shake up fanatics. I don' think so. They are ignorant, uneducated, sexually repressed and blindly are willing to die. Plus, they are "used" by those that don't give a rat's ass for Mohammed or anybody, just power  Consequently we do the best we can and another war is not the answer. We are weary of war and look what Iraq and Afghanistan has gotten us. Zilch, other than dead young Americans. I do think his basic point is right. We can't be ashamed of free speech and the government that I trust (they may occasionally be intrusive, stupid, and wrong but they are not the enemy) has to unapologetically say to the Muslim world, f..k you very much but we will not alter our culture because of your fanaticism or belief system; join the rest of the world in tolerance or expect various American lunatics will  continue to insult you. Having watched the video as I said, it is, without a doubt, insulting. As Harris says, who and what is behind it. No doubt about it, The video is insulting and really a sexual fantasy in a way. But, well done in terms of the actual footage (no shaking cameras, that sort of stuff). Costs somebody big bucks. But, nothing to do about this idiot. Clyde, here is one thing that I have wondered about. My belief is that you can't just say you are a Christian as Harris article suggests. But, you have the conversion experience. In my terms, "saved." You are going in one direction, you are converted, accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior, turn and go in another direction. In Islam, you merely declare you are Muslim; Morminism, you declare, you start following the rules. So, my question, why have Southern Baptists not pushed this faith idea of conversion?

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