Saturday, October 06, 2012


I can't think of a scenario that would cause me to vote for a Republican even if I have to admit to having voted for George W. the first time. But, I couldn't imagine anybody on the scene now which would get me to be that stupid again. The recalcitrant, just say no, racist, disrespectful, half truth: need I go on? I'm leaving objectivity to NPR.  And, if I didn't already have enough reasons--think HAIR. Romney already has a nice crop but this Ryan is unreal. And, I don't think he dyes it. Most of the Congress types who are trying to disguise the gray, pour on the "across the counter" stuff. Well not all, the late Strom Thurman, honestly, I think he did his with shoe polish. Sorry, I know we are not to speak ill of the dead. Ryan's hair is not even receding. It is growing down toward his eyes. And, it is as black as the darkest night. How in the world could bald men, those who have hair pieces, comb overs and maybe even the gray hairs, not to mention white hair, possibly bring themselves to vote for a Romney/Ryan ticket. Even the Prez's is pretty short and quickly turning grey. And, then we have the VP: hair transplant, need I say more.

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