Tuesday, November 03, 2015


A "Sixty Minutes" story shook me to my toes. As a grandpa, the scariest 70 Minutes program I've seen. I couldn't help but project: Projection from all these kids that are hooked on drugs telling their stories to the pain of their parents. Here's just one. Google 60 Minutes and read the full transcript of the segment. 

"All of these parents say they wanted to talk to us (Bill Whitaker, the interviewer who is terrific) because too many other families are embarrassed, in denial about their kids' heroin use. 

These parents say the stigma and shame are compounding the epidemic. Here's a sad, sad comment. "So, for us, we were in total shock when it happened. But, the struggle was the stigma.

Lea Heidman: She passed away, (overdosed) the day after Saint Patrick's Day and she posted on Saint Patrick's Day a picture of her on her laptop, studying, doing homework, saying, "No partying for me, not even a single drink, I'm staying in and I'm-- and I'm working." The next day she used herion and that was the last time she used. She died. 

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