Sunday, July 19, 2015


Donald Trump putting the bad mouth on someone should elevate them to sainthood status. He is a poster child for loss of brain cells--the epitome of being mentally challenged. And, my apologies to the mentally challenged. Trump is a euphemism for "f..king idiot. " 

Besmirching John McCain who was in a prison camp being tortured while Trump is out fatcatting means Trump is a  f..king first class "draft dodger" (anyone who could have served during the draft but did not) Basically, I don't give a shit as Trump is simply a "good for nothing mother," any way you cut it. The media feeds off him because his idiocy is a story. It is a pitiful cycle and the Repubs,  in particular, ought to be ashamed. 

What really gets me is how a sorry asshole like Trump makes money/gets a TV show. We are the ones who pay attention to him and in reality, it is our fault.    bws

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