Saturday, August 02, 2014


I am pretty much with Dave but will have to say, I am somewhat confused about it all, too. I do support a more open stance on it. The government throws away so much money, why not give to those who have been to war and need it. I have never filed a claim on PTSD and wouldn't. Know why? I don't need the money? But, lots do and they realize, although questionable to us, in their minds, not so. I basically think that any of us who have been in combat units have some measure of PTSD. I am sure Dave does. Two tours, how could he no? I blame a lot of things on Vietnam. Jackie says if I didn't have Vietnam, what would I do? I am scared of the dark. Not just not going out in the dark. It frightens me. In Vietnam everything happened at night. During the day, no sweat. But, come the dark, we are talking fire fights mortars, etc. ; you got where you dreaded the dark. So, PTSD. DANG, if I know. 

Guys in Iraq and Afghanistan were filing claims before they left the war. They are social media savvy and don't mess around. We are in a phenom, everybody loves the soldier or the vet. I mean, come on? Even the Democrats and Republicans got together to pass a bill on VA. Now, 10 chaps, this is something to discuss. What is going on.? Will it last? What caused it. Vietnam vets went from being derided, to everybody wants to be one.

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