Monday, May 14, 2012


SAN FRANCISCO VOTING BALLOT GUIDE I just voted and always vote absentee  because I want time and I like doing it casually, sitting on the "John" or whatever. Because I keep up with politics, etc, I'm pretty much on top of issues. Voter Guide, we could probably save money. Do I think most pay voting much attention. Not really. I simply voted for non incumbents. Does my vote make a difference, doubt it. 50% don't even bother and this is one of the reasons that everytime I hear some politician say, "American people," I want to throw up. American people, bullshit. Most don't give a "rat's ass" about the electoral process. The dumb MFers. They vote against their own interests if they don't vote but they don't get it. It is such a bullshit term, "American People": should be "Americans who care." And, while I am on this rant, let me say this: I didn't vote for a single Republican. As an Independent, I, at least, want to be able to say I never voted for s party that wanted us to get back to 1950. In this election, I feel they will do anything to get rid of the President, even if they have to hold their nose and nominate a Mormon and gazillionaire with whom they have little in common. I'm going with a bumper sticker I recently saw which sums it up for me as I'm heading out to drop my ballot in the mail: "I think, therefore I am a liberal."

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