Sunday, April 29, 2012

ERI've never been much of a baseball fan. ⚾Not any particular reason but I recently went to a San Francisco Giants game. Baseball crowds are wonderful. Patriotic, they are singing, "God Bless America" with gusto. A violinist played the National Anthem (white violin). The crowd is whooping it up. I look around me: the ethnicity knocks you over. It looks like the United Nations if anybody is noticing: African Americans, whites, India types, Asians of all sorts. I'm the only one paying attention because things like this always overwhelm me about America. We are probably the only country in the world that is truly multicultural and by in large nobody pays it any attention and for the most part, we get along. On any street corner, you can hear five different languages. Sitting next to me is an older gay couple. How do I know? Well my seat mate, a beautiful Filipino American pointed it out. Why the interest? I thought the elderly man might have dementia, based on the way his partner was talking to him. Sun was great, perfect day. God is in his heaven and all is right with the world. Well, at least at this baseball game⚾.

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