Wednesday, August 03, 2016


Surprise. Surprise. The "NY Times" had two opinion articles written by 2 guys who called themselves “draft dodgers." They detailed their thinking then and our present NEMESIS, "the Donald," who has no remorse for dodging. F..K him. There seems to be a genuine sense that now those who didn’t serve, missed something. It was the event of their generation and they missed it. In my view, Vietnam was a “sorry war “ and we should have learned something from it for future wars but we didn’t. Not a thing in my view. Those
 guys who didn’t go to Nam, might be dead now. 

Get your arsh over to the Bayside so we can dialogue. We had so much fun Monday, plus they are training a little Neapolise(sp) youngster that we need to be there to support. Get out of the bed. Airborne. 

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