Saturday, September 26, 2015


The rescue operation commenced at 0600 Friday, 25 September. Arriving at San Francisco's Embarcadero and determining that no enemy fire was immediate, the two lone troops reconnoitered the scene. Artists had begun to put up tents, display wares, etc.: surprisingly they did not appear to view us as suspicious. The Captain immediately displayed unusual professionalism, honed by years at the Fire Rescue Department. He supplied buckets, various equipment and immediately issued orders. "Wash the memorial down with a substance of his making. Be liberal in its application." (2) Begin scrubbing. Immediately, it became obvious that one was a "worker" and the other a "looker." However, warding off the artist community was a concern as they could not be convinced that the "rescue" not part of the bureaucratic establishment. One, Maria, who seemed to occupy some status in the Artist community would not let up with her questions. She was convinced that the CITY would disturb the "artists." Finally, after being assured that we would laison with Mayor Ed Lee, she seemed to be appeased and moved on. 

The Captain continued to work as TC  mostly looked as the Memorial transformed from a dingy, dull, illegible surface to one of bright readable names of those who had paid the ultimate sacrifice. This was a good thing we did as nobody dies unless they are forgotten. These on the "Memorial" will be remembered. God bless their families. The Captain actually found a friend whose name was etched on the Memorial. 

What the Rescue Team discovered was that the City had planned to move the Memorial to the Civic Center, a day earlier. In fact they had displaced the Artist community to make ready. However, they failed to show up. The "Operations Timing" was uncanny and, added to the mystery of our "mssion." Operation successfully completed, the two Vets entered their vehicle and departed the area--Rescue Accomplished. 

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