Tuesday, September 01, 2015


I saw a big advertisement in the WSJ for Dick Chaney and daughter's book. (Don't want to name it. God forbid that somebody might buy it because of me--plenty of stupid 'mericans' that will buy the book).  

You have got to be s..ting me. This f..ker should be sitting in "sack cloth and ashes" for leading a hapless president down a road to shame.  With bad Intell, Chaney was the main cheerleader for the nvasion of a country that has been the open door to Mideast conflict for over 5000 years. (Like we could do something). As my mom would say, "anybody with one eye and half sense would know better." 

How guys like Chaney can hold their heads up is way beyond me. With few exceptions, George W. has at least not tried to put a spin on a colossal mistake and has by in large stayed out of the limelight. Chaney for his part is f..king clueless. 

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